The Hangout

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your pov

i'm so bbooorreeeddd!!! there's nothing to do. there's no adventure today. webby is doing more research on scrooge, Huey's at a junior woodchuck meeting today and Louie and Dewey are binge watching ottoman empire. i sigh as i think of something to do.

 i decide maybe i could go and walk around duck-berg i can probably find something to do then. as i pack up my backpack i get a text. it's from R.J. the text read "hey, do you wanna hang to today that is if your not busy". 

i text back "sure,i'm really bored today". he replies "yea me seems as if my family is to busy to spend some time with me". i reply "that's exactly what my family is doing. so where do you wanna meet up"?

 he replies "what about the park. i heard there's some sort of festival going on". i replied "sure see ya there". he replies back "alright bye"! i put my phone back in my pocket and walk towards scrooges office. i knock and he says "come in".

 i enter and he says "ah,lass what's with the backpack"? i say "i'm going to the park to hangout with R.J today. is that okay"? he replies "wait,isn't that the boy from your singing competition"? i nod he smiles and says "of course lass. you can go but be back by 4:00 p.m, alright"?

 i nod and say "alright, bye"! he says "bye"! i walk out and head towards the kitchen to pack a water bottle. at that same moment i'm in the kitchen Louie and Dewey enter. i say "hey guys"! they say in sync "hey y/n"!

 Dewey asks "y/n, why do you have your backpack on"? i reply "i'm going to the park to hangout with R.J today". Louie says "wait,isn't R.J that kid who you were competing with at your singing competition"? i nod and say "yea, why"? i look at both of them and they both have frowns on their faces.

 Louie was about to say something when uncle Donald burst out of the pantry. he says "NO! no way your going on a date with that boy"! i say "uncle Donald, what were you doing in the pantry"? Louie says "i think he got stuck in there again".

 i nod and say "anyway, it's not a date. i'm just going to this festival with him". uncle Donald yells "nope! no,no,no,no and a thousand more no's". pretty soon mrs.beackly, webby and scrooge enter the kitchen. scrooge asks "what's with all the yelling"!

 uncle Donald says "y/n is going on a date with that boy from her competition". webby say's excited "oh,really y/n"!? i sigh and say "it's not a date"! mrs.beackly says ignoring me "Donald y/n is able to date whoever she wants". 

i yell "is anyone even listening to me"?! uncle Donald say "no,she is not. she's only a little kid. way to young for dating". i sigh and say "nobody is going to listen to me, are they"? webby replies to me "nope,they never listen".

 scrooge says "the lass is just going to the park with the young lad". i say "please uncle Donald,it's not a date we're just hanging out that's it". he sighs and says "fine". i jump up and shout "yes"!  i look at the boys and see sadness in their eyes.

 uncle Donald continues "but someone is going with you". i nod my head and say "sure, i don't really care. who's going with me though"? Louie and Dewey immediately shout "i will"!

 they glare at each other and say in sync "no, i will"! they both sigh and say "we both will". Donald say's "great! the more people the more space between her and that boy". i rolls my eyes and say "okay, you guys go ahead and get ready i'll stay her and wait". they nod their heads and walk upstairs.

webby pov

as y/n waits Donald says "now y/n if anything happens just call, okay"? y/n says "i know". Donald says "and if he touches you just"- y/n cuts him off saying "uncle Donald"!

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