Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Location: 2 Miles west of rogue hideout

"Listen up people" Adrian said to the assembled crowd "We go in two groups, wolves form followed by human form. Wolves will do recon and handle close combat, the human group will provide firepower and support. We cannot hold surprise for long so we hit fast and we hit hard" he paused and said "Lock and load folks this is the fight we signed up for."

Men changed in to wolf forms, they were soldiers trained from their early life to become the fighting machines that they were, as humans they were deadly but as wolves they were extremely lethal. 

There were other men gathering around these wolves fitting them with an exoskeleton made of reinforced steel and silver. Their paws fit in to a perfect metal shoe with silver claws on the outside and steel on the inside so that the wolf that wears them does not feel the effect of silver. The exoskeleton supported the wolf structure, protecting the week spots like heart and head and providing reinforced strength for the legs and the paws became deadly silver weapons of attack.

The folks in human form were also wearing Kevlar vests supported by silver, Kevlar was difficult to tear even with extra strength of wolf teeth and the vest mixed with silver meant that if you did bite in to the vest you will get a nice silver burn in your mouth. 

The specially modified guns were being loaded with special bullets which would explode on they penetrate. The human group was also divided in to two groups, cover and fire force. Cover force mainly consisted of snipers and rapid fire machine guns for cover fire and fire force had the maximum firepower with fully automatic guns, grenades and RPG's.

It took thirty minutes for the group to set up. Alex would run a command center from here. The wolf's exoskeletons were equipped with infrared cameras that would give him real time data to co-ordinate attacks. Adrian was also staying back with Alex to co-ordinate.


Location: rogue hideout

There were four flood lights illuminating the compound and two overlook the high brick wall and chain linked gate. There were eight guards in human form. Four near the gate and four spread on the ground. The abandoned factory that they were using as a hideout was a brick and mortar structure The structure was about four floor high and had no windows on three sides and no way to scale it without detection. 

The front of the building had an open area and a brick wall of about six feet high ran from the building to the front gate. The wall had barbed wire fencing on the top. The front gate itself was a chain linked remote controlled gate and the front door if the building was an massive iron door and that was the only door in to the building which was currently locked from inside. 

The distance from the door to the front gate was a good two fifty meters which would give enough warning to the inhabitants of the building if someone breached the gate. There were no trees in the compound nor were there any objects behind which people could hide. The four fold lights were mounted on the top of the building from which they caste adequate light on to the compound

The guards did not hear the whiz of the suppressed sniper fire but they did hear the glass breaking and the lights going out and that alerted them, they were equipped with wireless radios and were furiously communicating in their radio and took a minute to register the rumble of engine. The guard stopped talking looked at each other and then looked at the gate.

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