Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

When Michael Bartley got to work the following day there was a file waiting for him. It just had one word "Research" stenciled on it. So what it meant was that their machine identified potential suspects.

He opened the file and scanned through the contents, there were six profiles in order of percentage of likelihood. The first one was 88% likely but none of the six profiles had the name Charles to it. The first name was "Tom Minerd" he closed the file and picked up the receiver and dialed and internal extension. It was time to get operations involved.

Operations did a lot of stuff, from surveillance to threat neutralization. Right now he needed eyes on the ground to confirm that if these six identities pose any threat. Once deployed, he should get that information in a day or two and he would take appropriate action.

He would call back Sebastian only when he had something solid, no need to bother him with details.

The phone was picked up and in a crisp clear voice someone answered "Good morning. Operations, how may I direct your call?"


"Mmmm..." moaned loudly Alex, taking a bite in to the juicy burger.

"Alex" Evelyn hissed in embarrassment as people around their table gave them a weird look.

"Th...s is sup..r t..t.y" Alex said with his mouth full and busily chewing his chunk of burger.

"What?" Evelyn asked clearly not following what he was telling

Alex, chewed and swallowed and said "This is super! This is one of the best burgers I had" He praised taking one more bite.

Alex had called her in the morning if she was interested to meet for lunch and remained her that she owed him a burger. It was true, she did promise him to take him out to one of the best burger joint in town when they had gone on that date. She was glad she when out on that date, even though by evening she know they would never be a couple, what they had become over the days was good friend. Alex was a great guy and she was lucky to call him as her friend.

"Mmmm..." Alex moaned loudly again

"Alex" she hissed at him "Stop that"

"What woman?!" Alex asked annoyed "Can't you let a man eat his burger in peace?"

"Your process of mastication is anything but peaceful" she retorted "In fact I am not able to stand the violence of that are others around you"

He looked around glared at anyone who was looking at him and again took a bite of his burger "Mmmm..." he moaned out extra loud.

Evelyn groaned and hit her head on the table in frustration.

"By the way" Alex said making her sit up again.

"I hope you know that all that law of the old thing was a pack of horse shit" he said a little uncomfortably.

He was referring to the way he had forced her to initially spend time with him by baiting that law of the old which Roma followed was different and it might threaten her plans of getting out of pack.

She just glared at him and he squirmed.

She sighed "I gathered as much. But thanks for letting me know. I appreciate it."

"Yeah...sorry about that...but how else was I to get you to spend some time with me and you were immune to my charms" he winked.

"Charms? I was not aware you had any" She retorted.

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