Prince of Roma- Chapter 33

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As I like to remind my readers from time to time all chapters I post are unedited. Any mistakes pointed out will be fixed later. Thank you for understanding!

Chapter 33

Evy ended up on her favorite bench, overlooking the city in the courtyard garden, it was also known as the queen's garden. She ended up here after Max walked out of their fight. She could not stay in the room and this was a place that she found comfort in.

Evy was feeling miserable from the whole fight.

Looking back she realized she was mostly responsible for the fight going out of hand. Reminding Max of his claim was a shitty move and she was not sure why she brought it up. Being a cynic that she was, she put the whole blame of this mess on her shoulders. If only she would have said no to Alex this would not have happened, she hated the fight she caused between them both.

She did not realize the tears leaking out of her eyes until the salt water trickled down on to her injured cheek making her hiss in pain, her cheek was throbbing. Good thing she was a werewolf or else she would have sported a black eye for a week.

"I heard misery loves company, would you like some?" A voice broke in to her thoughts and Evy whirled around to see Roma standing behind her.

"Roma!" Evy said surprised and stood up quickly wiping her tears away.

Roma looked at Evy taking in her injury and her face scrunched at the sight of Evy's check and swollen eye. "What happened?" she asked sharply.

"Got in-between two testosterone filled males" Evy simply added.

"I See" Roma said after a moment and said "Come with me" it was nor a request.

Evy followed Roma in to her room, where Roma instructed her to sit in one of the couches and she walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a few ice cubes and wrapped them in a tissue and handed them over to Evy.

"Put it on the wound, it should numb the pain. You should morph in your wolf, the transformation heals all minor wounds" Roma told her.

Evy just nodded miserably at Roma.

"Was this about what happened today?" Roma asked.

" know?" Evy asked hesitatingly, slinking in to the seat further.

Roma gave a small smile "You will realize soon enough that there is little that I don't know as to what goes around in this palace."

Evy widened her eyes, trying to recall what else that she did that would embarrass her further.

Roma sat in the couch opposite to Evy and leaned back in to her seat.

"What Alex did was not wise" She said sagely looking at Evelyn "But I don't know if I can blame you entirely."

"What do you mean?" Evy asked dreading the response she would get.

"You are eighteen Evy" Roma said as if that explained everything. That was not the response Evy expected, she expected something in the lines of 'You don't know' or 'you are new' or worst 'You need to learn or behave' but not this.

"I am..." Evy said hesitatingly.

Roma gave Evy a reminiscing smile "I was eighteen too once you know."

Roma's eyes were full of understanding and some sympathy, instead of disapproval or even disappointment Evelyn expected. She had been so sure that Roma would think her totally unworthy of her son.

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