Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Evelyn was sleepy, tired and cranky.

She had just entered the hotel to start her work half dead and again cursed Ria.

Ria on the previous night had begged and pleaded to swap her shift with Evelyn's due to an emergency and now instead of being tucked in her warm comfortable bed she was in this god forsaken hotel to star her shift.

She had been trying to catch up on her School work, which was like a bottomless pit and stayed up half night before she realized the time and because of that she had just few hours of sleep.

She changed in to the hotel uniform provided, she yawned again as she entered the kitchen which was already full of life getting ready for breakfast. This kitchen served both the restaurant and room service.

Once she stepped in the chef dumped a sack of potatoes and a peeler on her, he didn't have to utter a word and it was clear what she was to do.

Fantastic! She thought, she tied the apron around her and got to work. She would hold a grudge towards potatoes for a long time to come.


"Evelyn!" the Chef screamed some time later.

She jumped from her day dream or rather an early morning dream, while her hands were peeling potatoes her mind wandered off to a better place in her head, she was dreaming of medical school and New York.

"Yes?" she asked him after crashing back to reality.

"I need you on room service, go clean up and get the cart" he told her .

She got up, washed her hands and then removed the apron, she eyed the empty cart that was sitting in one corner of the kitchen and grabbed it and pushed it to where the chef was furiously working.

He dropped trays of food on to the cart and did the final touch-ups and covered them with up.

"Top floor" he said. Apparently he was a man of few words.

She slowly directed the cart out of the kitchen and towards the service elevator which was in the far end of the hallway from the kitchens service door.

As she approached the elevator there was one man guarding the elevator who on seeing her pressed the call button on the elevator and when it opened held the doors of the elevator open, the rolled the cart in to the elevator and smiled and said "Thanks!"

He smiled back and then promptly turned back taking guard.

She pressed the button for the top floor and waited as the elevator climbed slowly, she kept looking at the panel on top of the door as then numbers changed tapping her leg impatiently and finally there was a chime and the doors opened.

There were more men in the hallway, it was almost crowded.

One man came forward and stopped her and he checked the cart thoroughly opening the cover over every dish and then he took out some kind of portable scanner and scanned the entire cart.

He then looked at her and said "can you stand straight please?"

She stood straight and he quickly ran the scanner over her from head to toe. Satisfied he stepped back.

Two men indicated her to the direction she had to take and followed behind her. She was asked to stop near a door which was guarded again by two more men and one of them opened the door.

"There is a dining table, please put the food there and leave"

She nodded in understanding and rolled the cart in. one man stood near the entrance of the open door and two men followed her in and were herding her towards the table. As she reached the table she transferred the content from the cart on to the table and once done she immediately turned back and exited.

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