Prince of Roma- Chapter 31

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Cristi_C: Dedicating this chapter to you for your nomination. Thank you!

Chapter 31

Evy could not believe what she was doing.

She had not done anything like this before, she had always been the goody two shoes, the one to follow the rules the one to comply...till now.

But, she was sneaking out of the palace like a thief...she could not believe Alex talked her in to this. She could not deny the shiver of excitement in her belly.

She had messaged Max that she was spending time with Alex and would see him in the evening and now Alex was talking her through the underbelly of the palace through a maze of hallways avoiding any staff that could recognize them. Luckily for them Alex was carrying his access card and any and all doors would open for them. They eventually reached the door they wanted to reach and with a swipe of card from Alex it opened without any resistance.

They steeped out in to the sunlight.

"See...easy as a pie." Alex grinned pulling at her hand.

They had stepped out of an inconspicuous fire exit door in a small ally between two buildings and as they walked out they mingled with the throng of tourists in the palace courtyard. Within moments they were out of the Palace main gate and Alex quickly hailed a taxi.

All vehicles going in and out of the palace were thoroughly checked and Alex's car in the secure parking was very well guarded for him to sneak out un-noticed. So they could only hope to sneak out unnoticed and get a taxi.

"Commercial street please" Alex instructed the cab driver as they piled in.

Evelyn watched everything wide eyed, the palace in the daylight looked daunting, massive and at the same time extremely beautiful and as the cab raced towards the city she took in all the sights.

"We made it!" Alex grinned conspiringly.

"Yes" she nodded but bit her lip "I am feeling bad about it...maybe I inform Max...?" She hesitated. A part of her was feeling guilty.

Alex sighed "Let's do this, we have come out anyway so let's enjoy some freedom and once you are back you can confess your sins to your one true lord" he reasoned.

"All right" she nodded. She would hate to keep a secret from Max and Alex was right, she might as well enjoy it.

"So where are we going?" She asked him.

"Commercial Street is your one stop shopping and food destination, so we can shop and have a bite, how does that sound?" He asked.

"Sounds good" She agreed and looked out of the window. They moved past the newer, flashier part of the city in to the heart of the city as the streets got narrower and buildings got older and you could see the architecture slowly change reflecting the times they were built in.

The taxi stopped near the entrance of a street which was barricaded to prevent any vehicles to enter and people on foot were streaming in and out of the busy street.

"Here we are, let's go" Alex said getting out of the taxi and paying the driver. Evy followed him out and looked around taking the sights and sounds of the busy market in.

As the taxi drove off, Alex pulled her in to the thriving market and pointed to the stores he wanted her to check out.


"You seen Alex?" Max asked Adrian.

Adrian raised an eyebrow looking at Max "Isn't he with Evelyn?" where else would he be?

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