Prince of Roma- Chapter 18

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Completely unedited folks 

Chapter 18


They were all huddled in Nick's office room.

"Do we know who?" Nick asked breaking the silence, everyone was in their own deep thought, reliving the incident.

"No" Alex spat "our men went through the bodies, no documents, nothing to indicate who they were." But his voice had a conviction, like he suspected something.

"But you suspect...?" Nick trailed.

"Gordon Lockbourne and his band of merry men. But it will be next to impossible to pin it to him." Alex added.

"What about this Charles character?" Nick added. Wasn't he the one trying to finish off the Roma family?

Alex sighed rubbing his face, him mind had been reeling since morning.

"Where is Charles hiding?" Alex asked.

"Montana" Nick replied. The Roma wolves knew that, how he did not know but they were absolutely sure that he was in Montana.

"Who is the alpha of the Montana pack?" Alex asked.

"Patrick....." Realization dawned on Nick's face, how could he have overlooked something obvious? "Lockbourne" he added the last name of the Montana's alpha.

"Correct" Alex confirmed. "So now do you think Charles is operating without the blessings of the Montana alpha? And we all know whose permission Patrick Lockbourne asks every time he needs to take a piss." Alex added.

Patrick was Gordon's first cousin and underling.

Nick nodded in agreement, it was making sense now. Did that mean Gordon had a hand in Maxim's Roma's assassination or did he just give refuge to a man who took competition out? He was not sure even if Roma wolves knew the answer to that one.

"What now?" Jeff asked after a moment of silence. He was shaken, they had targeted his girl!

Alex opened his mouth but Nick beat him.

"She can't stay here Alex" Nick said as a matter of fact. Dropping a bomb in their midst with his declaration.

Alex thinned his lips.

Nick put up his hands before the room exploded at his statement and hurried on "I am saying this because I care about her safety, I barely have men to run patrols and I am yet to consolidate the remaining survivors and not to mention the surviving rogues and integrating them all is going to take time and for us to function again as a pack is going to be a lot of work. We are not ready to survive an assault and forget about a major assault." He said looking at the people in the room which included Cathy, Jeff, Alex and top cadre of Nick's pack and Roma wolves.

Adrian was guarding Jeff's house with a dozen of Roma wolves in which Max and Evelyn were resting.

"Roma is sending reinforcements" Alex said looking at Nick, while he agreed with Nick he was upset that he put this out in an open forum. Evelyn was technically a princess of Roma, the moment she accepted Max's bite and reciprocated she was a Roma royalty. The only thing was they had to complete the bond by doing the deed and at the rate they were going they would do it very soon if not already done.

So, Nick declaring that he couldn't not have a Roma royalty on his land, technically Roma's land chafed him.

Nick sighed, the tone of Alex's voice clearly showed displeasure. He understood why, he really did but he was not god and he could not do twenty things at once, even if he desperately needed to.

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