Prince of Roma- Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

7:55 AM
Evelyn's Convoy

Minutes trickled by.

Evelyn sat in eerie silence inside the SUV and the men from the convoy had stepped out and surrounded it.

Nothing had happened, there were no wolves jumping out. Wasn't that supposed to happen during an ambush? Her breathing heart finally started to slow down.

Maybe Alex had been wrong? For an ambush there was hell lot of nothing happing for sure.

"You hear that?" one of the men standing at the end of the convoy asked.

"What?" the other guy asked.

"That" he indicated to the ear, asking him to pay attention and listen.

And the other guy heard it too. And together in shock they looked down the road where it curved over half a mile down.

The radio's in base one and base two crackled from the convoy.

"What the fuck...?!?!."


Ten Hours Earlier
10: 00 PM

The group was huddled over the map again.

Crawford had reviewed the plan again.

"Remember we are dealing with professionals who are trained to look at all possibilities. There is a very good reason that they would smell something wrong right away. Once they spot the tree, they would expect an imminent attack. So we will not do what they expect. We will instead camp three miles down from the road block. The moment the convoy passes us we need to start preparing for it to turn back and return and we attack on their way back."

"Crawford how do we get them out of the vehicles. The chance is they will be driving back with maximum speed and we are no match for a speeding vehicle, especially the ones they guys are driving"

No werewolf could match the torque of a Mercedes AMG G63, they would have no chance. If they had to inflict damage they needed to do two things, one stop the vehicles and two have the wolves get out of them. The vehicle would give the Roma wolves good cover.

"Your concern is valid" Crawford said and spoke to one of the men "Boyd, did you procure what we wanted?"

Boyd nodded in confirmation and smiled.

Crawford looked back to the group "Boyd will ensure that the convoy is stopped and the wolves pile out of their cars in a fucking hurry."

Everyone looked at Boyd skeptically.

"How?" one of them asked in doubt.

"Guys, guys" Crawford said getting everyone's focus back to him "did I ever let you guys down?" he asked as they remained silent "Trust me when I say this, the convoy will be decimated and you will have disoriented wolves on the road ripe for picking." He reassured.

He grinned and added "Besides, I don't want to spoil the surprise, do we Boyd?"

"Absolutely not boss" Boyd grinned back, the group was curious but satisfied, as Crawford said he had not let them down till now and they were sure he would deliver on his plan and it looked like Boyd and Crawford cooked up something devious, they couldn't wait to see.

"All right. Rest up folks, we start at midnight" he dismissed his gang.


7:57 AM
Evelyn's Convoy

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