Prince of Roma -Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Everyone stopped talking when Max walked in to Nick's office.

Max calmly walked in and plopped himself down on an empty seat. Adrian trailed behind and with all the seats taken he leaned on to wall next to Nick's office table.

Cathy looked at Max with an unasked question in her eyes "She is resting" Max did not elaborate much. Cathy's eyes involuntarily moved to Adrian wondering if her daughter was alone in the house and that thought made her uncomfortable.

Adrian caught her gaze and caught the worry in her eyes "We have guards around the house ma'am" he reassured her.

After a moment of silence Max asked "What do we know?"

"Not much" Alex said leaning forward who as sitting on a chair on the right side of Max.

Max raised an eyebrow at Alex at that.

"It was well planned, we are digging around the bodies for any clues but we most likely will not get any leads. We found a phone though but passcode locked, can't get in" Alex elaborated.

At the mention of bodies Max asked "What about our men?"

"Some nasty bites, nothing life threatening" Alex said relieved, they had been lucky. His men who went back to the site to get rid of the evidence figured out the attacker's game plan. They had planned to ram the convoy with the Mack truck, which would have been disastrous which also meant one more thing, they were not interested in taking in prisoners. Someone wanted them gone, but the million dollar question was who the primary target was?

"Do we know who the target was?" Max asked the big question.

Alex just shook his head negative, he had no clue. "Don't know" he added out loud.

"Do you think they know?" Max asked, if someone knew who she was and still wanted to take her out...Fuck! He would make them wish they were never born.

"Not sure Maxwell...but if they knew..." Max cut off Alex.

"If they knew they still attacked and if they didn't that means you were the target. So regardless what they knew and did not know someone waged a war on us...I want to know who so we can reciprocate in kind." His hard tone was a promise of wrath to be unleashed at the said enemies.

"I am sure we know who it is...but proving it will be a different story" Alex gently added.

"Then better find the proof!" Max spat slamming his fist on the table. They dared attack his mate! And his brother! For Alex was a brother to him, might not be of blood but a brother never the less.

"Working on it Maxwell" Alex added trying to pacify the agitated prince.

"We need to clear up the site as well, we got rid of the bodies and SUV's and even the tree, which we managed to move it over but the Mack truck will be a problem" Alex said. It wasn't like you could burry a Mack touch, some things simply cannot vanish in to thin air.

"I will contact the sheriff, I worked with him in the past and it would look suspicious for a truck to be lying around close to our community and us not telling anyone about it. Will tell him that some of my folks discovered it abandoned...Will get the story right and will call him."

Alex nodded "My men will ensure that there is nothing there that will lead to us, all bodies and bullet shells we are getting rid of."

Max took a deep breath calming himself down and turned to Evelyn's parents, who had been mute spectators till then and addressed them in a calm tone "Evelyn's exams are just about in a week and a half, she will leave with me once her exams are done." He paused looking at them, his eyes dared Jeff to challenge him. All he saw was tightening of muscles in Jeff's jaw but Jeff kept quiet.

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