Chapter 3: the first day.

Start from the beginning

"Anyway Dany, let's get back to the front desk. Here's your name tag. Oh, and most importantly, lunch is at 1!"


I glared at the time. How is it not even 12 yet! I swear I've been sitting here for at least 4 bloody hours. My morning included phone calls, phone calls and more phone calls. The only problem was that I couldn't speak the tongue most of the foreign clients communicated in. So I ended up leaving most of the work for Olivia. Maybe I should actually do a bit of research on Black Tigers, seeing that I have some time to spare. I opened up my chrome and eagerly searched them up.

Black Tigers is the biggest and most well established gang (triad) in Vice City, founded by A. Miu in 1910. They are the biggest traders in multiple industries incl. illegal substance; ammunition; property and other activities listed below. The master today is J. Miu who is succeeded by 3 sons. Black Tigers has alliances everywhere in the world - they are always among us.

Wait, 3 sons? So there's another one of them? How come he wasn't at the dinner then? Oh well, that's not my tea. I checked the time again, it was almost lunchtime. I should enter the rest of this data into Excel before then.

*knock knock* ...
*knock knock* ... *ahem*

"Hello! Sorry, Hi! How can I help?" I said hastily and in shock. Shit. I got caught off guard. It was C.

"Miss, that's bad for business."

Fuck. "I'm so sorry C, I have no excuse." My cheeks flushed, I was embarrassed.

"I'm just teasing you. Don't stress. I'm here to take you on lunch. Does sushi suit your appetite?" He was so genuine.

But I can't... "No, that's not part of my job. Besides, I don't want to leave Olivia here alo...."

However, Olivia cut me mid sentence and replied, "My man will go bananas if he knew I went on lunch with higher authority. But you must go. It's your first day! I've got you covered!" and she gave me a cheeky wink and reassuring smile.

I guess sushi it is (also my favourite dish in the entire universe). "Alright then, I'm just going to grab my stuff, give me two."

It was the longest 5 minute drive of my life. We walked inside and the fragrance of rice navigated into my body triggering all my food senses. A polite middle-aged woman took our order and my anticipation was beginning to reach its limit. Our green tea and platter for 2 finally came - the vibrant colours of sushi was always picture perfect. I'm 100% an insta food hoe, there was no way my Instagram story isn't gonna brag about this. We conversed about simple things until C suddenly enquired about my baby father. All I said in response was "I don't know who he is." And that was the second lie I told him. I need to stop doing that - he has been nothing but the most genuine stranger to me.

The foodgasm I got from earlier lingered with me for the rest of the work day. It was time for knock off and a heavy pressure ballooned inside of me. I was weighed down - I mean, I am on the way back to a life I once thought imitated bliss.

It was no surprise that a black ride stood outside waiting for the pregnant lady. Was it going to be C or Ace? ... God forbid these wild thoughts.

C stepped out the car and gestured "let's go". The ride was a replay of last night's, except there was a lot more talking going on.

"Oh Dany, I won't be able to take you in the morning for the rest of this week. I have some things to do. But I'll arrange with one of my best boys to swing by the same time tomorrow morning. And here's my number. Is that alright?" he asked with doubt.

Without hesitation I gratefully responded, "Don't sweat it. I should actually be organising my rides for work now. I can't have my boss escort me to and from work everyday - I don't think life works like that anyway. Besides, you are a man with massive responsibilities."

"A man? I'm still a boy! Are you implying I look old?" he teased. "Jokes aside though miss, your innocence is new to this sinister city. Besides, I'm fond of you. You're not like any of the girls I grew up with. They all just wanted a piece of my status and wealth."

My heart palpitations were not catching a break. Compliments are great, but compliments coming from a guy like him makes it even better.

When I arrived at my door, I mentally prepared myself for Ethan. He didn't even check up on me all day. I opened the door and Ethan was playing GTA V. I kept my mouth zipped.

"Hey, I'm hungry. Do you wanna get takeouts?" Ethan asked. I said nothing and escaped to the kitchen. "Where were you all day?" Ethan tried speaking to me again.

I gave a one worded response, "work."

"Work? Where? When? Why?" he asked anxiously.

"Well you see, I have a baby to raise. Life goes on, so must I."

"Don't give me attitude. I didn't ask for you to be so fucking irresponsible. I thought your scholarshipped ass would have gotten the hint by now, I want an abortion."

... did he just? Raindrops formed in my cloudy eyes. I can't do this anymore. I have to leave. But where can I possibly go?

I hope you enjoyed chapter 3, please don't forget to comment, like and share this story with your friends!


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