B2: Chapter 30 - Four Days Later - I

Start from the beginning

  "What... the hell... are you doing?" panted Mitch.

  "I'll be there," Natalie said to Hailey over the phone.

  "...Okay." Hailey hung up without another word.

  Natalie pocketed her phone, turning to her confused friends. "I thought..." She trailed off, deciding exactly what to say.

  "It's okay," said Steven. "You don't have to tell us if it's, you know."

  Natalie shook her head, working up to the words. "...Somebody died. One of us."

  "...Oh, man," said Mitch, still breathless.

  "What happened?" asked Kelsey.

  "I dunno," she said, feeling a bit helpless. Hailey sounded so awful... I was angry at her, but now this...?

  "I bet it was that big fight on Friday," said Tyler excitedly. "You know, where they blew up a neighborhood."

  "Dude!" snapped Kelsey, punching him in the arm.


  "One of her friends just died."

  "...Sorry," said Tyler, glancing at Natalie uncomfortably.

  "Are you okay?" asked Mitch.

  Natalie nodded. She'd really only met her twice—once before the big Summit meeting, where she'd had stopped to say hi (well... in her way, at least). She'd been someone Gwen actually liked at first glance. Gwen didn't like anyone near Natalie. The second time was that night, when they'd all driven out of town, but Natalie had been sleeping in the back of Jackie's car most of the way and didn't really talk to her. She'd been so exhausted from riding around on Gwen all day, she'd just wanted to stop moving for forever—but it just all kept coming.

  Stuff about her dad and what he'd done.

  Rachel and Will disappeared without a word.

  School was scarier than she'd expected.


  And now... One of them was dead.

  Maybe it's time.

  No. I said December. I'm staying with my friends.

  You're being held back by them. You need to focus.

  "I'm gonna be gone tomorrow," she said aloud. "There's... a funeral."

  They all looked so sympathetic that Natalie wanted to tear her hair out. This was why she hadn't wanted to tell them. They just didn't get how dangerous this was. But at the same time, Natalie never wanted to be without them again. If she'd been alone when she found out this kind of news, she'd probably have ended up in the same kind of terrifying sprint through the streets like when she'd been locked out of the Laushire house.

  "We'll cover for you," said Quinn, and Steven nodded right along with him, though both of them looked very concerned. The group left, wandering back to the blacktop. As soon as they thought they were out of earshot, Natalie heard Tyler start talking about the battle out in Lakewood again.

  Quinn stayed behind. "Are you okay?" he asked quietly.

  Natalie nodded. "...I didn't really know her that well."

  "Do you think you're in danger?"

  She shook her head. "We'll be okay. Nobody knows where I am. Not even Lily."

  Quinn smirked slightly. "'We'?"

  Natalie blushed, glancing away. "Yeah. Me and you. Duh."

  He smiled. "Yeah. Me and you." He glanced back toward the school. "You need anything, we're all here for you, you know? We're a team."

  Natalie felt a little glow fill up her chest, right near the crackling fire of magic that sat close to her heart. She reached out with her hand, slowly, while Quinn was still turned away.

  The black clouds drove her back. Shouted at her, cursed her, forced her away, reminded her of all the horrible things that could happen.

  No. You are stronger than that.

  The voice returned, fierce and powerful. It was like a ray of sunlight through the darkness, helping her. Natalie felt her resolve redouble. She reached forward again.

  Quinn looked around. His eyes widened slightly behind his glasses.

  The clouds returned, and suddenly she couldn't stand it anymore. For a moment she'd felt real connection, but the memories were too strong. Natalie ripped her hand away, as if Quinn were on fire. She hurried back toward the school, before he could see her eyes well up once more.

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