Meet Ugly

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It's Saturday at Dean's Grocery. The place is packed with soccer moms, their kids screaming for "those cookies" or "that cereal," and all the other poor fools whose work schedules force them to run errands on the weekend. Every available associate is on the register, managers included, and still the queues are four or more customers deep. Cashiers are having to run price and ad checks on their own, and no, your "imported free-range non-gmo cruelty free veggie-based face cream" is not 98¢ and I'll show you the shelf label because yes, that bitch really is $20 and you knew that before you got up here Karen.

Ryan is stuck on a register, same as anyone else. It's always like this on Saturdays. He was sweltering, and his protective bite collar seemed to be suffocating him. The symptoms had just started, but there was no mistaking it, his heat was definitely on the way. He had about half an hour left of his shift. His heat usually took two hours or more to fully kick in. Usually. There was plenty of time to finish work and make it home safely. He just had to wait it out.

Just keep up the customer service smile. Not too much longer now. Everything is going to be fine.

He would have to call out of his evening job, can't forget to do that. Actually, his heat would probably overlap with his next night gig shift too. Just remember to send a text to all three bosses once he gets back to the break room. Sucks to miss work, but it's not like it's possible to do much during a heat, and it's not like it's safe to be out. He'd learned that lesson the hard way.

Did he have enough food at home to last a few days? He should, but considering how he was feeling there was no way he'd have time to get more food before his heat was in full swing. If not there's instant noodles. He always makes sure to keep plenty of those on hand. Why was this lady buying so many bananas? People are weird. Just keep smiling. Twenty minutes to go. Damn it's hot in here...


All Scott needed was a bag of coffee. He never expected the grocery store to be so busy this time of day. He usually came when he got off work, but he ran out this morning and there was no way he was going to go without until Monday. He ran a hand through his short blond hair. Such is the price for neglecting to notice his supply had gotten so low, I guess. The line he was in seemed to be taking a while, should he switch in hopes of leaving faster? The lady in front of him, cart piled with goods, offered to let him cut since he only had one thing, but he politely declined. She was here first after all. Everyone's just trying to get what they need and get on with their day.

He glanced over at the cashier. A scrawny guy with light tan skin and curly brown hair that was pulled back into a tight ponytail. The nude full-neck bite collar stood out against his tan complexion. Huh, you don't see very many male omegas. He was kind of cute either way. The wait seemed to be caused thanks to a lady with a pile of kool-aide packets. She was insisting that since she bought some on sale last week, she deserved the same price this week. She was going on about "but it's for my church!" Wasn't Kool-Aid like 10¢ apiece? He definitely preferred weekday shopping. Still, maybe he would stay in this line after all. He wouldn't mind a closer look at the cashier.

He zoned out a bit, waiting his turn. Finally, he put his bag of coffee on the counter. Something smelled really good... Sweet and musky, almost like-

"Wi-will this be all for you to-today s-sir?"

The cashier's voice trembled. Scott looked up sharply. The cashier was shaking, trying not to breathe heavily. There was a sheen of sweat on his brow. That smell... Oh shit-

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