B2: Chapter 28 - Staying in the Spotlight - IV

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  Hailey nodded. "I can ask Cinza's people to watch out for him."

  "Appreciate that, thanks." Jeremy closed his eyes again. "Now if you 'scuse me, I'm gonna take a quick nap."

  "But... it's like an hour and a half to Portland."

  "Take every nap you can get," Jeremy muttered. "You never know when someone's gonna fuckin' kidnap you in the middle of the damn night."

  Hailey wondered what that was supposed to mean, but Jeremy looked like he'd already fallen asleep. The plane started to taxi out onto the runway, and Jessica was watching through the window like an excited little kid. Hailey sighed again, leaning back in her seat. Personally, she'd really have preferred to fly down herself, but she couldn't reliably carry the two of them—Jeremy outright refused the idea anyway—and she didn't know anyone down in Portland either. Since Jeremy didn't have a car, and the train would take nearly three times as long, Hailey reluctantly agreed to the plane.

  After the sixth or seventh stop in the terminal, berated and adored in equal measure by random groups, Hailey was about ready to ask Jessica to just make them invisible and sneak onto the plane. Thankfully, Jeremy put a stop to it, flashing his badge to skip through the lines and keep people off them.

  With nothing better to do for the moment, she decided to text Weston.

  Hailey: You're in Seattle?

  Wes: Tacoma actually

  Hailey: Not to sound rude but... why?

  Wes: I came to help

  Hailey: With?

  Wes: There's a fight coming

  Wes: I can't stand by this time

  Hailey: We're trying not to fight, you know.

  Wes: I hope we don't have to

  Hailey: Where are you staying?

  Wes: Well...

  Hailey: You didn't.

  Wes: I decided to come kind of last minute...

  Hailey: Ugh.

  Hailey: Well.

  Wes: What about you?

  Hailey: I live with Jessica and her parents.

  Hailey: And no, you can't stay with us.

  Hailey: Are you okay telling somebody you're awakened?

  Wes: It's going to come out sooner or later

  Wes: Wherever you think is best

  Hailey: Hang on a second.

  She sighed. It was so Weston to just rely on Hailey to handle things for him. She'd always done everything when they were dating, too. Now she had to figure out who he could room with? What was she supposed to do, just call up Alden's parents and ask if they were cool with a stranger taking the spare room? Or should she send him out to live in the Greywood with Cinza?

  She could just pay for him to stay in a hotel, but who knew how long he might be sticking around? That could get expensive fast. Hailey didn't really have an income, since Kendra's money was sucked away supporting the whole group. Her mom's off-book donations helped, but they were basically breaking even, with a little bit stored away for emergencies. They had to pay extra for everything, since they were only paying cash to avoid records and identities.

  Hailey was now very much a public figure, but the rest of the awakened agreed they weren't ready for such a step yet. Speculation was rampant on which Rallsburg residents had survived, based on the final list of unidentified remains the FBI had published. There were plenty of calls for Cinza to appear—half of the publicity offers Hailey received every day involved her friend as well—but Cinza adamantly refused.

  Probably smart, after what happened to me... Even if Hailey had started to come around on just how bad that interview had turned out, she still didn't trust a single reporter. Not after Russ had so casually turned around and stabbed her in the back like that. She'd put a blanket ignore on every single request, ghosting the whole lot of them. She'd go back into the public eye soon, but she had a few things to take care of first.

  Hailey: Hey.

  Rupert: Hello.

  Rupert: How's Portland?

  Hailey: How'd you know? Keeping tabs on me?

  Rupert: The world is, love.

  Rupert: It's actually quite hard not to.

  Hailey: Not actually there yet, still on the plane.

  Hailey: I hate planes now.

  Rupert: Hah.

  Rupert: Did you need something?

  Rupert: I imagine you're quite busy.

  Hailey: I need a huge favor...

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