B2: Chapter 28 - Staying in the Spotlight - II

Start from the beginning

  "Awakened," supplied Elissa.

  "Yeah, that."

  Hailey nodded. "I am."

  Jessica made a noise suddenly, and pointed out the window far down into the street. Hailey glanced over. All the way in the alley opposite, a wall had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. A man was standing in front of it, confused. He took a step forward, as if to touch it.

  Jessica frowned. A rock hurtled out of nowhere through the illusory wall, striking the man in the stomach. Another followed, when he didn't get the message right away. After the third, he bolted.

  She turned back to Hailey, giving her a quick nod.

  "...What just happened?" asked Elissa, glancing between the two of them. "Also, who is that?"

  "This is Jess, my best friend." Hailey hesitated. "...She can't talk though. Or understand you... So, yeah."

  It took a few tries, but Hailey got them to understand. Jessica just sighed after the third or fourth time, obviously knowing which conversation Hailey was having yet again—and the endless looks of pained sympathy. Rupert got up and put on a kettle, gesturing at it to Jessica. She hurried over, and soon enough the two of them were enjoying the tea while Hailey finally got Elissa and Trevor on the same page.

  "So you guys just go around as superheroes in downtown Seattle all day?" asked Elissa, accepting a mug from Rupert.

  "Well, yeah. I figure, if we can do some good, why not?" Hailey shrugged. "You guys are kind of the reason we started, you know."

  "What did we do?" said Trevor, glancing at Elissa—who had slid completely across the couch during the Jessica story and was now right next to him.

  "You told me only the really powerful people could make a difference. And hey, I'm powerful, so I figured I should get out there and do it."

  Trevor frowned. "I thought we were talking about money."

  Hailey grinned. "Money's not as fun."

  Trevor laughed, but both Elissa and Rupert shot her concerned looks.

  Oh god, I didn't mean it like that... "What I meant was, I don't really know how to get things to change with money. I don't really have much either, just what Mom gets to me."

  Trevor waved a hand dismissively. "Yeah, we got it."

  "So how do we awaken?" asked Elissa excitedly.

  Hailey gulped. She hadn't expected that question, somehow. Of course they were gonna ask me that. What was I thinking? "I, uhh..."

  Elissa glanced at Trevor. "You want to, right?"

  "Hell yeah," he agreed. "This sounds incredible."

  "How's it work?" she continued, turning back to Hailey.

  I... what do I say? Hailey wasn't sure they should awaken. She obviously couldn't do it with the page she had on her. "It's dangerous."

  "Dangerous how?"

  Her phone buzzed. Hailey checked it, grateful for the excuse to dodge the question for a moment.

  Wes: Landing at SeaTac tomorrow morning.

  ...What? He's coming here? Why's he coming here?

  "Hales?" asked Elissa nervously.

Convergence - The Last Science #2.2 - Heroes and VillainsWhere stories live. Discover now