I felt like I was being reprimanded by my mother.

"Look, Gerds-"

A sharp frown tugged on her lips. "Do not Gerds me, Persephone. You will wear this gown and then go to lessons with Lady Heliel. No exceptions."

Her eyes were peering down at me into my soul, and it was then I knew that Gerda had finally lost her marbles. "But I-"

She shook her head. "No, Persephone. There is no buts. Now do as I say and get ready while I grab your breakfast." She hung the gown up on a hook next to a floor-length mirror before turning back to stare me down again. "If you are not ready by the time I get back, you will wish you had not crossed me this day, mellon."

Okay, I guess Gerda finally cracked.

I slowly got to my feet and went into the washroom to try and wash up and hopefully wake up a bit too. After that I quickly hurried to get dressed, even though the gown was so long it took me awhile to try and figure out how to get into it.

"If you are not- oh, great, you're dressed!"

I immediately turned to see Gerda standing in the door with a bowl of assorted fruits. I probably looked like a wobbly duckling while trying to tie the back of the dress, so luckily Gerda took pity in my hobbling around and came around to help me.

"This dress looked wonderful on you, Persie!" She exclaimed as she laced the back up. "It is very becoming to see you dressed properly for once."

I glared at her through the mirror. "What is that supposed to mean? I've worn gowns here before!"

She grinned slightly, still focused down on the laces. "But you never were wearing traditional wear, were you?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't even know what makes this different from the others, and I don't care to learn. This whole thing sucks."

Gerda looked up at me with a slight frown. "Just because you do not care for something does not mean you cannot learn to like it, Persephone."

"Stop calling me Persephone, it's getting annoying, Gerds."

She let out a little huff. "The way you look today will reflect on me and my ability as your handmaid. Excuse me if I have hopes to make sure you look extravagant in front of the Lady Heliel."

Oh, that explains things.

"I didn't know that."

Gerda smiled softly, not being one to stay in a negative mood for too long. "And now you know. So, will you let me make sure you look presentable without arguing?"

I shrugged. It was the least I could do for my friend. "Just this once, Gerds."

She laughed quietly. "Okay, now let me fix your hair."

After what felt like hours Gerda finally deemed my look to be complete and ready to meet Lady Heliel. It was probably only about twenty minutes in reality, but when an elleth is running a comb through your hair that is one large snarl on your head, time goes by rather slowly.

And painfully.

However, when she finished, I felt like an entirely different person. I was definitely not Persie Jackson anymore. Whoever stared back at me in the mirror was someone completely different—a woman of immeasurable beauty that looked both elegant and pristine.

Now only if I only had to stand there and look pretty to be a Lady, then I would probably pass this Lady Heliel's class with flying colors.

Gerda quickly led me to the Lady's chambers, where we would be meeting, and I struggled to keep up with her the entire way. I was hoping that my armpits wouldn't start sweating because we were practically running, because I'm pretty sure Ladies do not usually rock pit-stains.

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