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Words: 1070

"What are you doing here?" Logan asks, scared

"I, need to talk to you Lo."

He gulps, "About what?"

Virgil sighs, "Us, everything really. But most importantly you."

He looks at Virgil suprised yet very sad, "I appreciate you coming here Virgil, I know it mustve been hard. But trust me it's just better to leave things as is."

Logan got up and started to walk away but then Virgil stood up and grabbed him by the arm, "Logan, I'm not letting you go that easily. We need to talk, please." His voice had a pleading ring to it, desperate.

"Please just let go of me, you don't need to be with someone broken like me."

His heart ached at Logans voice, "I won't Lo. Not now, not ever. And you're not broken, you're human."

He turned around and looked at Virgil, he seemed to be so determined and not willing to let go of him. Logan just stood there.

Breakdown happened, he started crying heavily,

"Can I hug you?" Virgil asked for his consent,

Logan quickly nodded, and Virgil pulled him in for a tight embrace and let Logan cry into his chest. Seeing him like this, honestly looking at him now Romans description was less terrible.

Virgil rubbed comforting circles on his back and said, "I'm here Logan. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere not now not ever. I care about you." He whispered in a fond and comforting voice, Logan just cried harder.

Hearing those comforting words just makes him cry more, hearing something so gentle and reassuring breaks him in pieces. Lord how he has missed this, Virgils embrace, voice, face, conversations, all of it.

Everything that he is, Logan loves. Someone like Virgil is so wonderful, if only Virgil himself could see it.

They stood there as Logan cried it all out and calmed down. He didn't notice at first but Virgil was humming a soft song quietly.

"Have I told you lately that I love you?

Could I tell you once again somehow?

Have I told with all my heart and soul how I adore you?

Well darling I'm telling you now.

This heart would break in two if I should lose you.

I'm no good without you anyhow.

Dear have I told you lately how I love you?

Well darling I'm telling you now."

He didn't hear it at first, he didn't know the lyrics since Virgil was only humming but it helped alot. His body relaxed and wasn't tense anymore, his trembling stopped, his breathing was normal.

Logan relaxed under the embrace and quiet singing. Once he had calmed down he pulled away and said,
"I missed you Virgil."

The dark eyed boy smiled at him, "Me too Logan, me too. Can we talk and sit down at the bench?"

He nodded, they walked over and sat down on the bench. There was silence for a bit, but it wasn't awkward it was quiet and calm.

Then Virgil started, "Lo, why did you go that day? Why did you leave and never came back?"

Logan took a deep breath in and began, "I thought you didn't like me that way, I thought you liked Remus. And well...I was scared. I love you Virgil, more than words can express and if I lost you even as a friend I don't know what I would do with myself. I isolated myself from everyone, I always thought love was dangerous. And after that I decided to become the man my mother wanted me to be, succesful and hardworking. I started working day and night,

altough I know it's wrong, I skipped meals, lost sleep because I couldn't and since I didn't have anything to do I studied. Even though I'm doing a great job, I'm not happy. I keep trying and trying but nothing. I just wish I was like what people call me emotionless so I couldn't feel this pain deep inside me, eating me away day by day. This pain of sadness resided in me for years, but you and the others made it bareable and just Virgil I didn't want you to deal with a human like me, so weak and pathetic."

Before he knew it, Virgil put an arm around him and looked at him, "Logan, you need help. If this pain you have been feeling for years is growing stronger you need help, a therapist to get better. Something like this that resides in you, isn't good, It's unhealthy. You may want to lash out and hurt yourself, and that's not good Lo, it will do nothing other than hurt you physically. I'm going to help you, as you helped me, because I love you Logan. Things get better eventually, they do trust me, it may not be soon but it will get better. You will be happy again, smile again and laugh again. I want the best for you, I care about you more than you can imagine, so please let me help."

A tear slipped down his cheek, but for the first time in a while he smiled a pure, fond smile. He was crying tears of joy, his eyes hurt from all the tears so he wiped them.

"Okay Virgil, you can help me."

Virgil smiled at him looked at his delicate face and asked, "Can I kiss your cheek?"

He nodded, Logan was happy that Virgil asks for consent. And so Virgil put his hands on Logans face and kissed his cheek gently.

Both of them blushed, "I know it may be hard at times, but we will get through it, okay?"

"Okay, starshine."

Warmth is what they felt, as if the worlds most comfourtable blankets were covering them in the morning.

After a long time, for once Logan was a little happy, even if it is little, for Logan a little happiness right now is alot. Being around Virgil, brought him joy and so many happy feelings and knowing that he is loved back is one of the best feelings in the world.

Virgil took a deep purple flower next to him and put it behind Logans ear and kissed his cheek, "Lovely, that's what you are starboy, lovely."

So here it finally is, it's fluffy and angsty. The next chapters will be about Logan getting help and getting better, having Virgil alongside him and friends. Hope you enjoy!

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