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Virgil was cleaning up the house and humming to himself and then heard a knock on his door.

It was prince Roman with art supplies in hand and Patton Foster next to him. "Hello Virgilius! We are here to paint with you."
Roman sighed, "Dont give me that, I said to you one day that we should paint some time! Which is now." Virgil looked at Patton who had puppy eyes, begging him to say yes.

He couldnt resist that.

"Okay, both of you can come in." And so they did. Roman started unpacking his things. "Wait does Foster paint? Also how long will you be staying?"

Roman looked up at him, "Oh uhm well Patton dearest dosent paint, I invited him to come along. And we will be here for an hour." He nodded.
But Patton looked uncomfourtable, Roman imideatly noticed and went to him and took his hand, "Dear what's wrong?" Patton faked a smile
"I'm fine Ro." Roman gave him a disapproving look.

Then Virgil spoke up, "Is it because I keep calling you by your last name?"
Patton looked up at him and nodded sadly, "Yeah I'm not used to it, it's so formal. No need to be, it feels like we are talking for a serious war."

Roman looked at him angrily, "How dare thee make my Patton sad!" Patton chuckled, "Ro it's fine, he didn't mean to make me feel bad." Virgil nodded guilty. Good job you idiot making a person feel bad, Virgil thought to himself.

"I'm sorry Patton." He just shrugged it off with a light smile "It's fine kiddo really!" Virgil just nodded

Roman and Virgil began painting. Patton started to ask questions. "So Virgilius what do you usually do?"

Self loathe

Is what Virgil thought but knew he couldn't say that. "Well I usually stay in the house, clean, and sometimes sing." Patton hummed in delight. "That's wonderful!"

Roman looked at him with suprise, "Say we do have things in common. I sing too. Dark and dreary one do you enjoy fantasies?"

"No Roman it's just unrealistic and sometimes just too happy and bright besides happy endings only happen in fairytales."
Roman whined,"Why do you have to be so mopey dopey?"

"Roman we can't blame what he likes and dislikes. Besides Virgilius has been through alot." Virgil gave him a small smile of gratitude.

It was time for Virgil to ask a question. "Hey are you lovebirds dating?" Both of them blushed deeply. He chuckled, "Alright you both don't have to answer."

They sighed of relief.

Both of them obviously like eachothers, the prince and the lord of sunshines.

Roman and Patton just chuckled awkwardly. Virgil didn't mention it again.

The three continued to talk until they had to leave.

"Bye princey and Patton." Patton hugged him tight. "Thanks for having us kiddo!" Virgil hugged him back and once he let go, he waved at Roman goodbye.

This continued for a while, once a week Roman and Patton came. Meanwhile at night time Virgil and Logan were together each night becoming more special.

One night they layed down under the stars and talked. "Hey Lo what do you fear?"
"Oblivion. I hate not knowing what is happening around me. If I was stuck in darkness I couldnt protect the royal family. What about you?"

Virgil sighed, "Well your fear is rational mine isnt, I fear that one day I'll wake up to find out I was in a coma that none of this is real and be traumatized for the rest of my life. And that you werent real to begin with because you are by far the best person I've ever met in my life Lo."

Logan then held Virgils hand, and sat up "Virge, it is a scary fear to believe in but I'm sure if that were the case you would have people that would comfort you throughout all of it."

Virgil gave hima sweet smile, sat up and hugged him tightly and started to cry. "Lo, I care for you so much."

Logan smiled a real genuien smile, he kissed Virgils forehead "Me too." Then Logan realized

I love him.

Not in a million years Logan thought he would feel the feelings Roman would talk about, now he gets it.

Now determined than ever he wanted to help his boy.

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