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"Hm let's see here. I don't need to know if there is anything specific that happend. Not reacurring events in past." Deceit listed off some things.

Virgil shivered, he didn't want to say any information. But there is only one choice.

I must tell him otherwise i cant look like myself again.

For some reason he looked at Logan and Roman. Both of them just nodded, Logans expression said "I'll be here if anything happens."

"Fine. So after the incident now my ex boyfriend, I stumbled upon the well that was surrounded by purple glowing flowers. And I looked at the well and saw my reflection as it is now. But afterwards I looked normal when I look in the mirror. "
He said very fast almost hard to catch the words.

But the man understood just fine. "Don't Continue."

There was an aura around him which was mystical and mysterious, strangely comforting but it was hardly noticable.

"Uhm so. I've had a rough past. I have had people leave me constantly not even giving me a reason why. My parents were abusive verbally and physically to me when I was small. And I hate to admit it but I was lonely for a long time until Remus came into my life. He was the light but I ran away because I was a coward."

Deceits brows quirked up and his eyes had a suprised gleam to them. And then Roman and Logan looked at him confused and sadly.

Roman got up to hug him, but Virgil put a hand infront of him. "No thanks Ro, it's fine."

The prince sadly nodded and went back to his seat. Logan just reached out to hold his hand, he held that hand tightly.

Virgil didn't want physical touch but Logan had already his hand.

And if truth be told, he really didn't mind.

"Alright, alright enough of sappiness. You came here for a reason. So Anxiety, your curse is filled with despair and sorrow. You basically ran away from your only light in your life to rot and for that you got punished. And it's meant to teach you a lesson, meant to make you stand up for yourself, love yourself and not care about others opinions. "

Deceit said comepletly with truth.

Virgil chuckled sadly and quitely, "...You do know I have hated myself right?"

His friend's wanted to speak but couldn't. Logan held his hand tighter.


Deceit scoffed, "EXCUSE YOU! I DON'T HAVE SCALES YOU CAVEMAN! I can speak in truth when necessery, sheesh calm down all I said was in truth even right now I'm saying the truth."

He looked at him in comeplete suprise and shock, "B-But you always spoke in lies!"

"Its only for charecter, I don't like to speak in truth to people who potentially can use my information against someone." Deceit spoke now frustrated, he never liked Romah.

"Fine, whatever tell us how to break this curse!" Roman demanded.

"To lift the curse, you must work to accept yourself and allow people in your life. And have someone love you in return. "

It was rather simple, but for Virgil accepting himself was impossible.

Logan sighed, Alright enough.

"Excuse me Deceit, I here am not a believer in curses and related to such. I came here to see if curses are truly real. And that this isnt some fairy tale"

He said as of matter of factly.

Deceit chuckled, "Is Virgils face not enough of an answer?"

"No." He said simply and bluntly.

"Well then." He got up and got two mirrors and a doll. A raggedy ann.

He shivered, he felt a presence.

"Where do you think all those fairytales and urban tales arise from? Here we have two mirrors and a doll. Anxiety you may close your eyes. Something can't be created by nothing."

Logan nodded, as Virgil closed his eyes Deceit held up the mirror to Virgils face. The mirror had metalic engravings on the side.

"Here we have a normal mirror. As you can see Anxietys face is normal as it can be. "

The advisor looked at the mirror and saw something extraordinary. Virgils face dusted with freckles, no cracks, rosy cheeks. In two words, absoloutely adorable.

He blushed fiercley, Roman giggled at his reaction.

"Hey! Stop laughing princey!" Virgil retorted annoyed, still eyes closed.

Roman only giggled more, "No, no I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at Logan!" His protector huffed.

The man holding the mirror chuckled to himself quitely. Then he showed the mirror to the raggedy ann doll.

"See here, this is the dolls reflection. " the reflection was of how the doll looked like. Nothing new.


Then Deceit put away the normal mirror and got the mirror which looked spotless, clean and had a golden eye at the top of it.

He held up the mirror to Virgil.
Logan stared, the reflection changed. He saw Virgil as he sees him instead of that rosy cheek guy.

"This mirror shows the curses, diffrences from beneath the surface. And what people can't see. But since Virgil's reality is hidden we can only see it through a mirror of curses. "

Logan nodded, he was fascinated.
"What about the doll? What's different about that?"

The hetachromia eyed man took the mirror and put it infront of the doll.

Roman who has been silent through all this, breath hitched and face went pale. But the advisors eyes widened.

What they saw was what they would call a demon. Goat horns, only skin muscle layer visible, black hands and incredibly small pupils.

"Here we have a demon who inhabits this doll. And wreacks havic among people who disturb it, threaten it. But this place is safe, I made sure of that. The demon can't hurt you here, if you don't talk to it. Yes demons are real, most of the things that are in fairytales are indeed real, we just can't see it with the naked human eye." He says as he put down the mirror.

Then he gently places the doll inside it's box that has a sign that distinctively says Do not touch, or open.

Well Roman is spooked for life. Meanwhile Logan has a shimmer in his eyes, hes highly intrested in these things now. Appearently curses, demons, paranormal stuff alike are real. He just hasnt seen it.

Deceit goes back to his arm chair. "Anxiety you can open your eyes now."
And so he does.

Alot of things were going through the mind of Logan Gnosis. Curses, demons all that is real, but Virgil...he never told me his past. What did he mean by "He was the light but I ran away like a coward." Did his boyfriend not brake up with him?

Suddenly the door to the cave opened and walking in came a man. When he was close enough Virgil said with a quiver to his voice.


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