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Authors note: Suicide is mentioned once but if that word triggers back memories you have been warned.

Words: 938

As Logan went to his room to get proper sleep, Virgil and Roman went to see the king.

Sure there was relief that Roman was very supportive but challenges keep coming his way. Because he never expected to talk to the king.

Both of them were infront of him. Virgil bowed
"Good morning your highness."

"Good morning, who are you?"

"I am Virgilius Black." Virgil responded nervously.

"Good morning father. Here is Virgilius hes one of my close friends. He has a curse put on him from traumatic events and I am here to speak for my advisor Logan Gnosis." Roman said seriously, he usually didnt speak to his dad so formally so it was a new experience.

"Continue." The king said simply.

Roman cleared his throat, "Well, Virgilius suffers from mental issues and Logan has been very attatched to him and witnessed the suicide attempt of Virgilius. He found him on the forest ground bleeding from self inflicted harm. And we have discovered how he is feeling and what he thinks and we think he needs a psychiatrist to help him. My advisor wants to see Virgilius regulary in daytime, to check up on him. Father I also want to say please don't judge his personality by looks hes very sweet but very tormented. Is my advisor seeing Virgilius possible?"

Roman finished off it was a mouthful but it needed to be said, he was worried about his dad's response since Logan is needed on a regular basis.

The king sighed, "You see my dear son, I see your empathy twoards this individual but I would like to speak with advisor Logan Gnosis myself about time managment, besides he wouldnt do this just for anyone I want reason. That's final. About the psychiatrist I can settle that for you."

Virgil and Roman nodded sternly, it wasnt so bad of an answer, king's do need to be catious of new people.

"Alright thank you father, Logan will talk with you once hes ready. Right now hes asleep because all this happend very recently." He said nervously. Roman knew Logan had been seeing Virgil past midnight and it would be very bad for the king to know that Logan didnt sleep at night.

"I understand, thank you your majesty." It was nerve wracking hearing the response. In all honesty Virgil didnt want to bother others with his problems besides he bottled up all his feelings for all of his life and that worked...right?

Once they departed from the king, Roman was leading Virgil somewhere "Lucky for you I know exactly the best psychiatrist for you!"

"Oh really?" Virgil was intruiged it's not every day where you find a psychiatrist easily.

"Oh absoloutely! His name is Emile Picani. He is sweet and wonderful just imagine Logan and my dearest Pat fused into one and thats him." Roman said excitedly.

Virgil wasnt sure what to think of it, but from the description it shouldnt be bad. "Whatever you say princey."

They have made it to a door that had fairytale charecters on it at first Virgil thought, Are we at the right place?

But soon enough when Roman knocked and heard "Come in!" Once they walked in there was a room filled with books and plushies. Somehow it had a professional yet playful look.

The man looked at the door and imideatly got up and bowed, "Hello prince Roman! What brings you here?" The man had a beige like cardigan underneath white shirt and a pink tie. He had glasses to match his warm chocolate eyes, Virgil noticed he had some hot sangria shade of hair strands in his hair.

To say the least he looked very attractive. "Hey Dr Emile Picani! I have a patient for you, if you would be willing to take him up on the offer." Roman was confident because Emile was always accepting of new people.

"Why ofcourse! I would be happy to accept. Say what is your name?" He looked at Virgil.

"My name is Virgilius, doctor. Nice to meet you."

"Good to know! What are your pronouns?" Virgil didnt expect to be asked that question, Emile asked out of politeness to be absoloutely sure Virgilius is comfourtable.

"Uhm my pronouns are he/him I identify as cis male. Thank you for asking." Just by that question alone Virgil is sure this is going to be nicest doctor hes ever met.

"Oh it's no problem! Now prince Roman I would like to be left alone with Virgilius here. You can go do your princely duties." Emile said seriously. Roman just nodded, "Alright just tell me you are done okay Virge?" Virgil nodded in agreement.

Once Roman exited the room, Emile got his pen and paper and sat infront of Virgil. First he had to say, "I need to have a deep history of things all from your childhood to up to now."

Virgil sighed, "How much time have we got?"

"All the time you need." Emile said reassuringly.

Virgil got comfourtable, Okay I have no choice, I need to get better here goes nothing spilling out all my history. It's for the better.

"Okay, lets start from the beggining...

Author note: The next chapters(maybe one) will be back in time where Virgil was dealing with hardships it will be heavy. Pretty much Virgil is saying all this to Emile, im just going to translate it into a story.

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