Fight: 1

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Taehyung asked as he sat next to Jennie.

"Of course, it's my team I should take responsibility." She grinned.

"Well.. you're not used to fight."

"Doesn't mean I don't know how." She shrugged.

"We're just worried about you!" He argued as he pushed back his hair and let out a desperate sigh.

"We? I know for sure that my girls are perfectly fine with it." She cocked a brow at him.

"Your brother.. and I, we are worried." He mumbled, looking at his feet.

"Both of you don't know what I'm capable of." She stated as a matter of fact.

"We do but we don't know what they are capable of." He said, but she was still convinced that they truly don't, she has never fought or used even half of her power in their presence, so how would they?

"But I do." She said as she threw a chip in her mouth.

"Look, the fight is an hour from now, you can still let one of the girls do it."

"You know I'm doing my best to understand you right now, but I'm so close to getting mad, Taehyung." She warned as she threw a glare his way, he was underestimating her too much.

"Okay okay!" He held his hands in the air as a surrender. "So they're clearly not at your level, they will surely pull some tricks to win."

"And? I'm still at advantage here."

"What do you mean?" He looked at her curiously, making her smile at how cute he was acting.

"They don't know my third power do they?"

"Are you saying you'll use it? The power you've been trying hard not to use during all these years?" He looked at her in shock, his lips parted slightly. True, he wanted to know what her third -and her supposedly most dangerous- power is, but he was too worried to care about that.

"I said I want to move on, Taehyung. Mom told me to do so and asked me to love my powers and it's exactly what I'm going to do." She said with a gentle tone as her hand reached for his.

He squeezed her hand and looked at her eyes for a few seconds, searching for anything other than confidence and sincerity. He finally closed his eyes and let out a sigh, he didn't have to worry.

"Okay.." He started, "But promise me to stay safe. Win without a scratch." He released her hand to cup her cheeks in a gentle manner.

"Not even one?" She giggled, sending a warm sensation through his whole body.

"Yeah." He smiled as he leaned closer, "Want you safe, all safe." He whispered.

She could feel his warm breath on her lips, making her imagine all kind of scenarios and it made her feel excited and all giddy. She wanted to close the distance so bad.

But instead, "Siblings do this too?" She mumbled. He looked at her in confusion, "What?"

"I'm like a sister to you, remember?" She smirked, she knew there was an undeniable attraction between them and she was aware that what he said that day was unintentional but she couldn't help but tease him. She loved seeing his cute expressions.

"That was-" He tried to explain, he forgot that even happened. And now that she brought it up, he wanted to explain himself, he needed to do it.

"We should go, Jen." Jisoo said as she opened her friend's bedroom door.

"Coming!" She said enthusiastically, earning questionable looks from the other two.

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