Sudden confession

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"I told you I don't even know how I fell, I was just walking, just like any other person." Rosie whined.

"If jumping around like a crazy woman counts as normal then yeah I don't understand how you fell either." He rolled his eyes at her and kept massaging her foot.

"But that butterfly.." she said sadly as she lowered her head looking at her fingers.

Jimin then sighed and cupped her cheeks. "Smile Rosie, it's okay to have fun just don't hurt yourself. Lisa was worried too."

"I don't understand why she got worried that much, I mean I just fell and my ankle is hurting just a little bit, the pain will go away before tomorrow comes." Chae pouted cutely

"She's probably just worried that you'll hurt yourslef more someday, she's taking care of you. Don't be sad." She smiled as she looked at him kneeling before her and massaging her foot slowly, it gave her a good and ticklish sensation but she chose to ignore it.

"Wait, can't you heal yourself?"

"I can heal other people, but I can't heal myself, that's my weakness." She said still not taking her eyes off his hands.

"Then how are you strong? I mean you're considered one of the strongest girls in the Academy. How is that possible when you can just heal people and talk to animals." He said raising his eyebrows questionably.

"Oh about that.. I sure can heal people and talk to animals but I can also talk to animals from far away.. I can summon any kind of animal if I need to. And umm.. I can talk to the dead." She finished making his jaw drop.

"What?" He asked from the shock.

"That's creepy.. sorry." She said smiling softly at him while pulling him up from his hand.

"No it's cool." He smiled at her reassuringly.  "Can you tell me about it? I'm intersted." He added making her grin. "Of course." She giggled.

"I've actually tried it only a couple of times. I don't meet dead people often you know." She said chuckling. "I can only talk to people who got killed though. I once helped with a murder case here in the Academy. A student got killed by another student, they called me because there was no proof about who could possibly be the criminal and I figured it out. That was the first time something like that happened here, that was so scary." Jimin noticed the sadness in her tone and patted her head.

"I'm proud of you. When was the other one?" He asked but immediately regretted it when a tear dropped from her eyes. "Hey what's wrong? I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked."

"No it's okay. That's something only my sisters know but I guess there's always that one person who makes you comfortable and makes you spill everything you've been keeping for an eternity." She chuckled as she looked at him.

He smiled warmly at her. "But still, you can tell some other time if you don't feel like it right now." Then looked at her hands, wondering if he should hold them or not in the current situation.

"No it really okay." She said wiping her tears. "It was when mom died." She said looking at the floor but looked at him surprised when he suddenly held her hand.

"I can't really tell you the details right now. I  was so young, and mom was killed.. by someone I don't quiet remember their face. She died before I could even try my healing on her, her powers didn't help her stay alive.. and so she died. I still remember the whole scene, a scene I don't really wanna talk about, it was just... horrible." She said as tears kept falling down her cheeks.

Jimin couldn't say anything to her, he just wrapped his arms around her and kept whispering 'Sorry'.

"I still talk to her though." She said smiling. "It was really hard to talk to her without seeing her body, as it is kinda essential. But I improved my powers just to talk to her, and I can do it more often now."

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