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"What is it Lis? Spill it." Rosé said as she sat down and rested her chin on her palm.

"I'll just cut it short, I don't like your relationship with Jimin." Lisa replied, making Chaeyoung raise a brow. "What's there not to like?"

"Chaeng you do realize that you don't know him for long, and you obviously don't know a lot of things about him? The same thing goes for him yet you're out here acting all lovey-dovey." She rolled her eyes at the last line.

"Look Lili," Chae chuckled and held her friend's hands in hers. "I know you're worried about me, especially when he made it clear that he's a playboy since day one."

"See? You know it too so why-"

"But I still love him." She smiled, "Mom used to always tell me about different love stories before sleep, maybe she had just missed my father or maybe she just admired love too much, but she did tell me about love at first sight." She chuckled at Lisa's oh really face and continued, "Now, I wouldn't say I fell in love with him at first sight since he talked to me as a cat but I felt attracted to him when we first talked in school," She started playing with Lisa's fingers, the day she first talked to Jimin feels like an eternity back to her now.

"I got sure of my feelings when I saw how he treats people around him, how he respected teachers and how much he loves animals. Even the way he's protective of his friends says a lot about how much he can love a person and how kind-hearted he is. You know? I even told him that I can speak to the dead and he wasn't creeped out, he found it interesting and asked me to tell him about it," She grinned, and Lisa's expression was no different, that somehow made her happy since boys used to fear her because of that, which made her so insecure.

"I do love him, and he said he loves me too so I'll trust him, I can see it in his eyes," She smiled softly remembering how his brown orbs always seem to glisten when he looks at her. "No one's ever looked at me that way."

"Alright I get it," Lisa smiled and pinched her cheeks, "He better be the Prince your mom always talked to you about or I'm planning a funeral."

"I hope that won't happen," She giggled, "And isn't it the case with Jungkook? Why are lecturing me when you're no different?" She smirked at her, crossing her arms.

"Me and Jungkook are not together, and I didn't like him when I first met him remember? I hated his guts." She scoffed.

"You're saying you don't hate him anymore? You like him now?" Rosé whistled playfully, she enjoyed teasing her.

"Let's just go back." Lisa sighed and pulled her from her wrist, leaving the dark room and headed to where their friends are.

The girls heaved a sigh when they saw their friends still in the same position they left them, "For how long did they say we'll stay here again?" Lisa mumbled, not expecting an answer since she already knows.

Chaeyoung quickly engulfed Jimin in a hug, who was already healed thanks to her.

"Three days Lisa, three days." Namjoon sighed desperately, looking at the ceiling.

"Three days in this hell hole." Hoseok scrunched his face, his eyes looking around the place.

"You expected him to just let us go without a punishment?" Yoongi chimed.

"Jennie said what he wanted to hear so yeah, why not?" He retorted back.

"That's probably why we got this punishment, yes we're locked up in a scary place, but together. We deserve worse." Seokjin resoned then looked at Lisa, "Why are you standing so far away?"

She just pointed her finger to Jisoo who was quietly leaning her head on Jennie's shoulder.

"Ah." He nodded, licked his lower lip and pursed his lips in a thin line, holding back a laugh just like everyone else in the room.

"Jisoo, I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been?" Jiyong smiled kindly at the girl.

"You mean since I was a kid," She pouted.

"Yes yes." He chuckled noticing her expression, then his eyes caught Jin standing in the corner.

"Who's that? Dara's long lost son?" He mused and added, "You look so much alike." Jisoo blushed furiously, how can she tell him that it's actually her love interest and not her brother?

She cringed.

"Well they say, you are what you eat." Lisa blurted out nonchalantly, making them all gasp.

"Just get in Lisa, I'm not going to kill you." Jisoo sighed at the memory, "Not yet."

"Do we even know where we are? They blindfolded us, as miss Chaeyoung suggested." Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Chaeyoung took off her shoe and threw it at him with all her strength, it thankfully hit him right where she wanted it to.

"What was that for?" Jungkook winced as he rubbed his head, "And why did that hurt like a bitch?"

"I didn't mean to okay? I just asked them and they went and did it for real.. idiots." She pouted.

"We're underground." Yoongi said, hoping that would stop them from bickering. Being locked up underground was one thing, and dealing with their bickering is a whole other thing.

First was Jimin and Rosé bickering about his injuries.

Then Namjoon and Hoseok about who should sleep in the lower bed.

Jungkook and Jimin about who got no jams.

Jungkook and Rosé about the blindfold.

Next will be Jungkook and Lisa about another stupid reason, I just know it.

He thought to himself and sighed, "Maybe I should just kick Jungkook out."


"Did I say that out loud?" Yoongi said, more to himself, ignoring Jungkook's offended figure.

"What did he say when we left the room?" Namjoon asked, looking at Yoongi and Jennie.

"He said he wanted to talk to his kids." Yoongi mumbled as he took a quick glance at Jennie, she was still resting her head against the wall with her eyes closed, she hadn't moved since they got there, four hours ago.

The talk with their father didn't go as smoothly as both Jiyong and Yoongi wanted, Jennie refused to talk nor spare a glance at her father. He tried to talk to her but she wouldn't give in, assuring him that she'll never forgive him for everything he's done to her in the past.

Yoongi couldn't really do a thing about it, he was always treated fairly by his father, sure he couldn't meet him often but he didn't receive a harsh and cold treatment. Something he's always felt guilty for, even though it was never his fault but his father's.

"Not about that." Namjoon looked at Jennie too, fully understanding their situation. "Anything related to Lisa's precognition?"

"Not really, but he said he'll tell us when our three days punishment is done."

"Sure the place is dark and kinda disgusting but we have beds, we have bathrooms, they bring us food and we have clothes. How is that a punishment in any way?" Taehyung asked, not fully understanding how the principal's brain functions.

"Right.." Jisoo mumbled, "Don't you think he's up to something?"

"What can we possibly do to stop him from doing that 'something'? He's stronger than all of us combined."

"Well then I guess we owe it to daddy's little girl." Hoseok unconsciously blurted out, earning glares from everyone in the room.

"Hoseok." Yoongi spoke.

"Yes?" Hoseok gulped as he looked at his friend.

"Shut up." He replied, closing his eyes, ready to sleep.


Three chapters in one day dksksjs yes guys I'm still sane and it's me, I'm just trynna make up for the time i got sick AND my final exam is one month from now so i gotta spoil you as much as i can now before disappearing again

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