Interlude VII - Call of Destiny - I

Start from the beginning

  Wait. What about the motor pool?

  "I can get you one, if you want. Totally free," he offered, before he could stop himself.

  "...You'd do that for someone you just met?" she asked, surprised.

  Be confident. That's what Jeremy's secret is.

  "Only if you take me with you."

  She laughed. "I don't even know your name. You don't even know mine!"

  "Well, that's what makes it an adventure, right?"

  Another laugh, just as amazing as the first one. "You got me. All right, I'm game. You're on."

  They waited at a coffee shop just around the block. She insisted on buying for him, and they got to talking. As an unspoken rule, neither of them brought up anything about current events, or identifying information, or even their names. It was exhilarating for Lani, who'd always felt a little awkward around mainlanders. It was way better than having to explain for the millionth time how boring Hawaii actually was, and why he had to get away when he got the chance.

  "Totally black? You're crazy."

  She grinned. "What, you can't handle a little bitter in your wake-me-up?"

  Lani shook his head. "It sounds awful."

  "Oh, you're missing out." Without warning, she handed her cup over. "Go on."

  On any other day, with any other person, Lani would've politely declined, or quickly changed the subject. Today, without a moment's hesitation, he took a sip.

  It didn't make the coffee taste any better.

  "Ugh," he grimaced, swallowing it down painfully. "Nope. Nope nope nope."

  "More for me, then," she winked, taking it back and drinking deep.

  "So you take photos of nature?"

  "Yup." She leaned back in her chair. "Mostly big landscape shots. Waterfalls and cliffs are my thing. I spent a year in Norway just finding every single fjord I could, and shooting them all day and night. There's nothing like a fjord under a full moon," she said dreamily, and for a second Lani could see it reflected in her eyes.

  "It sounds incredible. I'd love to go someday."

  "Not everyone gets that, you know?" she went on. "Lots of people think 'oh yeah, I can just look at the picture on the internet later'. But it's not the same at all. You gotta feel the air, the mist coming off the waterfalls. Not to mention even the best cameras aren't gonna pick up the same kind of view you get with your eyeballs standing there under the stars."

  "You have to see it yourself, right?"

  "Exactly!" She smiled. "I take photos for a living, but I'd be just as happy going out there without a camera. It's always worth it."

  "It's an adventure."

  "Mmhmm." She leaned over to the trash can near their table and tossed her empty cup. "Speaking of adventure, what are you doing going out to Rallsburg if it's so crazy?"

  "I'm looking for something."

  "What's that?"

  It's not public knowledge yet... But I want to tell her. She's not going to tell anyone else.

  She waved her hands just as his mouth opened. "Hang on, hang on, if it's a big deal you keep it secret. Just like we said."


  "Any idea where it is, though? I'd help you out if I can."

  He shook his head. "Could be anywhere."

  She laughed. "A real adventure then. Well, as long as it gets me some good shots, I'm in."

  He nodded. "I've been out there before a couple times. You'll get some great stuff."

  "Glad to hear it."

  A car honked at the curb just outside. Lani glanced over. One of the office staff got out of the car, waving at him through the window. He came straight into the shop and handed the keys right to Lani.

  "Need anything else?"

  Lani shook his head. "Nah. Thanks, Ben."

  "You got it, sir."

  "Wow," she commented as Ben walked away and started down the street on foot. "That's some service. Nice jeep, too." It was one of the best in the pool—huge tires, convertible canvas top and built for serious off-road work. "You must be loaded."

  He shook his head. "Not even a little. I bet you make more than me."

  "Well, let's quit wasting daylight, huh?" She stood up, offering a hand to Lani.

  He reached up to take it, but winced as a burst of pain rolled through his shoulder. His arm fell limp.

  "...You okay?" she asked, voice softening.

  "Yeah, I'm good." Lani got to his feet and took her hand, shaking it firmly. "But you should probably drive."

  She grinned. "Oh man, I thought I was gonna have to fight you for it. Thanks."

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