"Remember, We fight to honour Aria. We must win this war..... For her"

Mordred didn't day anything and just nodded before walking away. He would help win the war for Aria. But not win as Morgana thought. He would help his friends in Camelot as best as he could.

Aria was currently in her personal tent, on her bed trying to get some rest. But she couldn't sleep. She was too worried.

Worried about the battle ahead.

Worried about Merlin and if he had his powers again.

Worried about Arthur's fate

And worried about Mordred and what could possibly happen to both him and Arthur.

Sighing, Aria rolled onto her side still thinking about Mordred.

She smiled to herself as she remembered the day she first met Mordred as children all those years ago.

(Flashback)  Aria's 11 years old.

Little Aria was currently in Morgana's chambers with Morgana and Gwen. They were laughing at something before Merlin suddenly came bursting through the door with a young boy- about Aria's age -with dark hair and piercing blue eyes and he was wearing a green cloak.

"Have you forgotten how to knock, Merlin?" Morgana asked as Merlin quickly shut the door.

"The guards are after him. I didn't know what to do" Merlin explained

The boy made eye contact with Morgana before his eyes wandered to the little girl standing right behind her. Aria stared back at the boy with curiosity.

Gwen looked at Morgana unsure of what to do. Morgana just continued to stare at the little boy who was starting at Aria.

There was suddenly a harsh pounding on the door.

"My lady?" A guard called from the other side of the door. "My lady?"

Aria looked away from the boy and up at the dark-haired women beside her.


Morgana looked away from the boy and down at the innocent little girl who was giving her a pleading look.

"In there" Morgana gestured to a spot behind a curtain. Merlin took the boys hand and quickly hid as Morgana went to answer the door. As Merlin pulled the curtain covering him and the boy, Morgana opened the door to see two guards waiting outside.

"Sorry to disturb you, my lady." The guard apologized " We're searching for a young druid boy. We believe he came this way."

"I haven't seen anyone" Morgana easily lied " It's just my maid, Aria and I "

"Best keep the door locked till we find him." The guard advised

"Of course. Thankyou" The guards walked off and Morgana shut the door.

Morgana, Gwen and Aria then all immediately rushed to where Merlin and the boy were hiding behind a curtain.

Merlin was kneeling on the floor holding the boy as he had passed out. He was wounded.

Merlin brought his hand away from the boy's arm to see it stained red with blood.

The older ones all shared concerned looks while Aria just stared at the unconscious boy feeling sorry for him.


Later that day, Merlin had gone to collect some things to help heal the boy and Gwen had gone to continue with her chores which just left Morgana and Aria with the boy.

Defying Destiny - A Merlin Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora