Chapter 53

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Mordred woke the next morning to find himself locked in a cell in Camelot's dungeon. His cloak had been removed, his sword was gone and he was left in his chainmail, breeches and boots.

Mordred bolted upright in a sudden panic as he remembered what had happened the previous night. He didn't know what had happened after he was knocked unconscious. Had Morgana taken Aria? Or had she done something else and left Aria here?

Mordred heard his cell door opening and standing by the now opened door stood Leon and Gwaine.

"The king wants to see you" Leon explained with a grim expression.

Mordred nodded and stood up before exiting his cell. Leon and Gwaine took him by the arms and led him away. Their grip was firm but not hard enough to actually hurt him as they still considered Mordred their friend even after what happened.


In Arthur's chambers, Arthur was pacing back and forth as Gwen sat at the table, playing with her fingers nervously. They were both worried out of their minds. When they found Mordred in the glade, Aria and Kara were nowhere in sight and Arthur feared that he had been too late and that his little sister had run away for good.

Gwen and Arthur looked up when there was a knock at the door.

"Come!" Arthur called

The door opened Leon and Gwaine walked in with Mordred, they stopped right in front of the table facing the royal couple as Arthur stopped pacing and stood behind his wife's chair.

"Thank you, Leon, Gwaine." Arthur dismissed them.

Gwaine and Leon gave sad smiles to Arthur, nodded and then left, closing the for behind them

Mordred, who was staring at the floor to avoid eye contact with Arthur, finally looked up and looked surprised, confused and concerned that Aria wasn't there.

"Sire. My lady" Mordred quietly muttered a greeting still avoiding eye contact.

"I'm just going to get straight to the point, Mordred," Arthur said in a cold firm tone that made Mordred slightly flinch.

" Where's Aria?" Arthur questioned crossing his arms

Mordred looked up confused and worried about the question. " You mean, she's not here?"

"If she was, then I wouldn't be questioning you on her whereabouts" Arthur resorted making Gwen turn her head and give her husband a scolding look for being so harsh with the young man.

"Mordred, do you know where she is? Please, we're worried about her. We just want her home" Gwen said gently

"I'm telling you, I don't know where she is or where she could've...." Mordred trailed off as be suddenly realised where Aria had gone.

"I remember," Mordred explained to the royals " last night, we were about to come back because Aria couldn't go through with running away. "

Arthur sighed in relief that Aria hadn't really wanted to run away. Arthur placed a hand on Gwen's shoulder reassuringly, Gwen also had a look of relief on her face.

"And then?" Gwen asked taking hold of one of Arthur's hand that was resting on her shoulder.

"....Morgana" Arthur froze at the mention of his other sister.

"She came out of nowhere. She didn't attack us, she just stood there before knocking us both out " Mordred explained

Gwen and Arthur shared a look. They were glad to know where Aria actually was but they were also anxious about her wellbeing.

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