Chapter 51

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"Were you part of a cohort of Saxons? who attacked an armed shipment bound for Camelot?" Arthur questioned Kara as they stood in the council chambers. Gwen and Aria were seated in their chairs both in red dresses. Gwen on the left of Arthur's seat while Aria sat on the right.

Kara stood in the middle of the room with two guards behind her as Arthur circled her

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Kara stood in the middle of the room with two guards behind her as Arthur circled her. The knights and other members of the court surrounded them. Among the knights, Mordred stood on the side, in a line with the other knights,  looking at his older sister with worry about what might happen to her.

"Yes," Kara answered as Arthur stopped circling her and stood by his chair.

"Were you acting under the orders of Morgana Pendragon?" Arthur questioned.

"What I did, i did for myself, for my people, and for our right to be free," Kara replied

"I have no quarrel with the druids," Arthur told her as he began to circle her again.

"I've spent my life on the run, I've had to abandon my family because of my beliefs," Kara said coldly. "And seen those I loved, killed."

Aria knew that she was referring to leaving Mordred when he was a boy and her father being executed by Uther.

"Once, maybe," Arthur said, "But I'm not my father."

"You don't kill those with magic?" Kara scoffed. "It is not I, Arthur Pendragon, who needs to answer for my crimes. It is you. You and your father have brutally and mercilessly heaped misery on my kind. It is you who has turned a peaceful people to war. And it is you, and Camelot,  that shall pay the price"

"In your words," Arthur said from behind Kara. " I hear the voice of Morgana. It is she and others like her who have abused the powers of magic. It is they who have brought the rift between our people. It is their deeds that have terrorised Camelot and forced us to outlaw such practices."

Arthur went and stood by his chair again.

"But you stand before the court, not because of an act of sorcery or sedition, but because of an act of murder. Your actions have brought about the deaths of many good men. Threatened the lives of many more."

"They were casualties of war." Kara shrugged her shoulders.

Arthur looked taken back at how un-remorseful she sounded.

"And I would do the same again. For I will not rest until you are dead, and your kindome is no more"

"yet you have friends here." Arthur stood in front of Mordred who was standing on the side in line with other knights right next to where Kara was standing.

"Somehow you got treatment for your leg. From someone in Camelot. Who?" Arthur Asked.

Kara made eye contact with Mordred who was standing behind Arthur and glanced at Aria sitting in her chair.

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