Chapter 9

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After a while of walking in the frigid snow and wind, Merlin all of a sudden cried out

" Woah, Stop!"

Everyone stopped and Aria turned around worried. Her eyes widened, Arthur had collapsed from dehydration.

" He needs water" Merlin begs

The leader got off his horse and marched towards them.

" Get up!" He ordered kicking Arthur then grabbing him and hauling him to his feet.

" Not so much of the great warrior now, are you?" The leader laughed at how weak Arthur looked.

" Here, I'll help him. " Merlin said.

The leader marched back up to his horse yelling "Go"

Arthur looked back at Aria and sent her a sly wink to let her know that he was alright.

Aria had to hold back a smile when she noticed that Arthur had a dagger in his hands that he had stolen from the leader. They had a plan.

They continued walking and Arthur was busy cutting his bonds. Once the rope was cut Arthur nodded to Merlin who reached forward and pulled a load of things out of the cart in front of him.

Everyone immediately stopped and the leader rode towards them looking angry.

" Who did this?" He demanded

No one answered

" Who?!"

Arthur gestured to Merlin with his head.

" We need to rest" Merlin muttered

The leader dismounted and strides over to Arthur and Merlin.

" Right, you can rest..." The leader drew his sword "...Forever!"

Arthur launched forwards and punched the leader in the face making him fall onto the floor hard.

As Merlin and Arthur fought the Saxons Mordred turned to look at Aria.

" Hit me "

Aria looked confused and reluctant
" What? no"

" Hit me and run," Mordred said again

Aria sighed.

" I'm sorry"

She sprang forward hitting Mordred in the face making him stumble back and drop the rope restraining Aria's hands.

"thank you," Aria said before she ran off towards Arthur and Merlin

Arthur cut Aria's bonds before handing her a sword as the trio ran through the pure white snow.

The trio then had to quickly stop as there was a huge gap in the ground.

Arthur through the crossbow he had grabbed over to the other side of the gap.

" You've got to be joking," Merlin said looking at Arthur like he was crazy.

"Do you have a better solution?" Arthur says before he took a few steps back to get a good running start.

Arthur sprinted forward and successfully jumped over the gap. He takes cover behind a mound of snow.

Aria and Merlin notice Saxons rushing towards them.

" We haven't got all day, you two!" Arthur shouts at them

Merlin ran and jumped over the gap but he would have fallen if Arthur hadn't quickly grabbed him and helped him take cover behind the mound of snow.

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