talk to me. (IwaOi)

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He gazed up at the sky, sitting on the roof and ignored the cold wind, his messy hair fluttered, stars reflected in his eyes while constellations painted the pitch black space.

A soft sound from guitar made him looked down at the ground, he saw a familiar figure coming into view, smiling softly at him.

"You don't have to be a hero to save the world,"

He started to sing, his voice was gentle, becoming more audible after each line.

"It doesn't make you a narcissist to love yourself,"

Oikawa inhaled, trying to catch his breath, his heart beats fastly, lost at words.

"It feels like nothing is easy, it'll never be,"

Iwaizumi's voice was calming, he was in the same blue jacket and he wore long pants. Oikawa never knew he sounded so nice, they went to a karaoke with their kouhais once, but Iwaizumi was too embarrassed to sing.

"That's alright, let it out, talk to me,"

He gripped at his shirt, moving closer towards the edge, which made Iwaizumi's eyes go wide, but he doesn't stop playing.

"You don't have to be a prodigy to be unique,"

Oikawa sat still, smiling sweetly and swayed his body slightly to Iwaizumi's singing. The other's lips can't help but does the same expression.

"You don't have to know what to say, or what to think,"

"You don't have to be anybody, you can never be,"

"That's alright, let it out, talk to me,"

He bit his lips, holding back a squeal. He watched Iwaizumi's finger flicking the strings, it felt like he was tugging on his heart strings.

"Anxiety, tossing turning in your sleep,"

"Even if you run away you, still see them in your dreams,"

"It's so dark tonight, but you'll survive, certainly,"

"It's alright, come inside, and talk to me,"

Iwaizumi approached Oikawa, Oikawa reached out to help him carry his guitar up. Iwaizumi lifted himself up to the roof with the chair that Oikawa used, they chose a nice and stable spot, smooching briefly before he started playing again.

"We can talk here on the floor."

"On the phone, if you prefer,"

"I'll be here until you're okay,"

"Let your words release your pain,"

"You and I will share the weight,"

"Growing stronger day by day,"

"It's so dark outside tonight,"

"Build a fire warm and bright,"

They looked into each other's eyes, as the warm feeling inside them kept building up.

"And the wind it howls and bites,"

"Bite it back with all your might,"

He pulled the last note, fishing out something from his pocket and handing it to Oikawa. He opened his palm, a cold metal hit Oikawa's hand, his eyes widen, face turning red and his nose felt sour.

"Anxiety, tossing turning in your sleep,"

"Even if you run away, you still see them in your dreams,"

The round silver ring shone under the moonlight, it flickered, Oikawa's eyes watered up. Inhale, exhale, the wind blows once more, their hair flew.

"It's so dark tonight,"

"It looks nice,"

"Fall asleep,"

Putting his guitar aside, he showed Oikawa another a matching silver ring in his pocket.

He held a hand out, Oikawa rested his on top on Iwaizumi's, he put it in on Oikawa's ring finger, the ring fit perfectly.

Oikawa too, put the ring on Iwaizumi's ring finger, the two of them chuckle quietly, resting their foreheads as Iwaizumi's dark eyes looked into Oikawa's, he finished the rest of the song.

"It's alright,"

"Come inside,"

"And talk to me,"

They held each other's hands tightly, Iwaizumi leaned in, Oikawa then pressed his lips on Iwaizumi's.

"Thank you, Hajime."


reeee and that's it

i hope you enjoyed this fic!!

this was inspired by cavetown's "talk to me"

the song is real good!! go support him!! ^^

thank you for reading!!



Cover art by Illucid on DeviantArt

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