This Autumn. (Sugawara)

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dark topics such as suicide and self-harm


He cried, and he wipes his tears away.

It's nothing.

But he feels like something is missing.

What was it?

He gave a hug, tight, warm and full of love.

"You can do it!" Sugawara cheered, wiping Daichi's tears away, the two were in the storage room of the gym, and Daichi happened to talk about how stressful everything is, his academy, his family, his old dog that might pass away soon as it caught an illness.

"You are strong, Daichi. I believe in you. If you need anyone, I will always be here," he gave an assuring smile, as the second years embraced each other again. "Thank you so much, Suga. It means a lot," he breathed into his shoulder, as the pained expression goes unnoticed.

He always relied on Suga.

Study, club activities, leading and taking care of the team, his emotions, and life struggles.

Suga always had the best advice.

He knew he can trust him.

But, his smile turned bitter over time.

Every time they text, every time they meet,

There's always, always, something wrong with Suga's smile.

He wished he knew sooner.

He wished he had been there.

He cries, and he wipes his tears.

He felt, alone, so alone.

Who was here? How did I made it through the past three years?


The name popped up in his mind, and a wave of heartaches crushed him.

For the past three years.

Sugawara was there for him.

But where was he when Suga needed anyone?

He says he's fine,

He looks like he's fine,

But what's going on inside his head?

This autumn, he received a phone call.

It was such a nice weather too,

It was beautiful,

He wished he could've share this with-





He wasn't fine.

Last year's winter, he showed up to practise later and later.

He grew thinner.

He was tired.

And he was quieter.

This year's spring, his eyes were fixed on the ground, when he would usually stare at the cherry blossoms, his expression, was nothing special. Nothing, but tired eyes.

This year's summer, his long sleeves, and rejections to hang out. And the circle felt like, it was quieter.

It was missing someone's laugh.

Someone's shout.

Someone's soft, caring, and assuring voice.

He was there for them.

They were there for each other.

But where were they, when Sugawara was lying in his bed during summer holiday?



"Hello, may I speak to Sawamura Daichi?"

"This is him, anything I can help?"

A dreadful feeling settles in his stomach.

This call is from Suga's phone.

Yet, someone's unfamiliar voice is speaking on the other line.

"This is a call from White Weather Hospital,"

He gulped.

"We have been informed to call this number,"

His heart beats faster.

"We are asking you to come over immediately."

"By whom? What's wrong?"

"We will tell you at the hospital."

This year's autumn,

Suga left them.

His pupils dilated, silent and frozen by shock.

"I'm sorry for your loss, sir."

Leaves fell.

And an angel left them.

He covered his mouth, tears rolling down against his cheeks like waterfalls.

He couldn't believe it.

No one could.

They stood in front of his grave.

His parents cried, his friends mourned.

Daichi was the last to leave, he couldn't leave.

His guilt was weighing him down.

He reminisce, from first year, to the second, and the third to college's first year.

Every year they spent together, the burning heat and storming rains, and the seasons they have been through together,

winter, spring, summer-

"I wish I could've shared This Autumn with you."

and This Autumn.


Hello, everyone! This is Eagel with a quick piece of writing, I just wanted to practise a little, and this was inspired by a game called Missed Messages by Angela He, wow, it was amazing, their artstyle is just plain beauty and aesthetic. The story and meaning of the game is really deep too.

Why Autumn? My teacher told the class that most people commits *cough*, during this season, I forgot how he ended up on that, but I remembered something this long ago and used it in this story.

Have a nice day!! Remember that you are loved, you beautiful person.

See you next time!


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