65) I Trusted You

Start from the beginning

"Pein will never die from the likes of you leaf shinobi. It was Deidara, and Tobi." She said, as I felt my heart stop for a mere moment. I cleared my throat before crossing my arms against my chest.

"Such a shame..." I said softly, thinking about Tobi and Deidara.
"They seemed to be the only people in this group that I could somewhat tolerate." I said, as I looked down to the ground.

"Word has it that they both died going against Sasuke Uchiha." She said as my head snapped towards her.


"I forgot that you don't have access to our intel." She said as she placed our food in between the slots.
"Sasuke Uchiha has killed Orochimaru and was going after Itachi." She said as my eyes widened.
"Seems Tobi and Deidara found him first. We have yet to find any bodies, but the whole area where the battle has taken place has been practically evaporated by Deidara's jutsu." She said as I felt my heart feel heavy.

"It seems Sasuke wasn't as strong as we had predicted." She added as she began to walk off.


"Madara has sent us intel on the scene. I'm sure he will be here with us at some point to discuss furthering our actions." She added as I bit my lip.
"I'm sure he won't leave until he has a few words with you."

"You can tell him no thank you. I'll be perfectly fine not talking to him." I growled.
"There's only one person I want to talk to, and it's not him."

"I'm afraid you won't have a choice." She sighed as she began to head towards the door.
"I really hope that Madara spares some of the pain for you. I really mean that." She added before she shut the door.

"Damn you." I frowned as slumped back on to the ground. I placed my chin back on my knees and sighed.

"What are you doing?" Kardama asked, as I frowned.

"I'm thinking." I said as I laid my forehead on to my knees.


"Madara... He wants to use Obito as vessel right?" I asked as he nodded.
"So... Has it been done? When I see him, will he be Obito Uchiha... Or Madara?" I asked as he rose a brow.

"He's still Obito... Madara is dead, but he's convinced Obito to bring him back once the plan is truly in fruition. He needs all the tailed beasts, and this is why Obito will be considered a vessel to Madara. He'll be the tentails host." He said, as I furrowed my brows.

"The ten tails? I thought-"

"The different tailed beasts were created to divide the immense chakra of the ten tails." He said as I nodded.

"So that means, that Madara-"

"Miss (Y/N)!!! Oh, Miss (Y/N)!!" I heard yelling that slowly came into clarity as it got closer and closer to the cells.

"Karda? Am I going crazy?" I asked as I looked up and saw him looking towards the doors.
"Or do you hear Tobi too?" I asked as he looked at me.

"Who's Tobi? I didn't know they let children into the Akatsuki." He said softly.

"Weren't the Akatsuki originally children?"

"Well, there were exceptions but none the less."

"Tobi isn't a child, I don't believe so anyways." I said as I stood up as the door slowly opened.
"Tobi?" I asked in confusion as I waited for the person to walk closer.

"Peekaboo! It's me! Ha ha!" He said excitedly as Karda took a step back.

"I thought you were dead." I said as I looked at him, before looking at Kardama who has a nervous look on his face.
"Karda?" I asked in confusion, as I looked at him. He backed up again as Tobi took another step.

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