17) Plan's Gone South

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"A pleasure house huh?" I asked looking at the building that our targets were supposed to be in later this evening. I looked over at the rest of my team and waited for a plan.
"What's our strategy, Captain?" I asked Kakashi, as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well, Guy and I could force them out..." he said, with a sly tone.

"No, we don't need a scene, especially if they have back - Wait a second... Kakashi!! You perv!!" I said hitting his arm, as he snickered. "You think you're all slick and sly but you're not. You're soooo not going in a pleasure house!" I said.

"Why? Would you be jealous?" He teased playfully and I blushed.

"Pfsh no, y-you wish!" I said, feeling my face get hot.
"I could run circles around all of those ladies any day!" I said crossing my arms, looking at the building. Kakashi chuckled.
"But I think you know what the right plan is Kakashi..." I trailed off, stating the obvious.

"Have Guy, dress up as a woman and seduce the men out of there?" He said jokingly. Kurenai let out a giggle.

"You think you're funny, but you're n-" I was cut off while patting his shoulder.

"I accept!!" Guy said excitedly.
"I will prove myself worthy enough to be as youthful as all of these curvaceous women!" Guy said over dramatically, as I tried to suppress a laugh. Kakashi let out a sigh.

"I was joking Guy." Kakashi said, while rubbing his temples with his hands.

"Oh... I get it now." I said slyly, a grin slowly forming on my face.

"What?" Kakashi asked looking at me confused.

"It's so obvious, how did I even miss it?" I asked myself out loud, peaking my team's interests. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at me.
"Aww, Kakashi... If you wanted to dress up as the woman, and have your wildest 'Kakashina' dreams come true, you should have just said so!" I said overly chipper, as he glared at me.

"What the hell are you even talking about?" Kakashi asked confused.

"I'm sure Kurenai and I could help you look like you have all the right curves, in all the right places baby." I teased, giving his cheek a light pat with my hand.

"I'm going to continue to ignore that mess of an idea." He said, as I giggled.
"So then, what do you propose we do?" He asked and I got flustered.

"Kurenai and I could always... Go undercover...Seduce them...And then you guys could take them down." I offered, looking at her and she nodded. He raised an eyebrow.

"You act as if you know from experience how to seduce men." He said and I chuckled.

"If you want to count Master Jiriaya, telling me the do's and do not's, while with a man, then I'd like to think, unfortunately, I'm in good shape." I said giggling to myself.
"Not that I have anyone special or anything like that, he just wanted me to be educated... He blabbed on and on about seventeen being the year I become a woman, whatever the hell that means..." I trailed off and he rolled his eyes.
"The point is, how hard could it be?!" I added and he raised an eyebrow.
"Oh yes please I want you daddy!" I said sarcastically.
"I think that's good enough." I added, and Kurenai snickered at me.

"Yeah...Absolutely not. I'm not letting anyone lay a hand on you." He said in a serious tone.

"Now who sounds jealous?" I teased, and he looked at me wide eyed, before looking down.

"I just want you to be safe." He said as his voice a little higher than normal.

"And I appreciate it, I really do Kakashi. But I don't think we have much of a choice here." I said, as Kurenai nodded.

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