10) Our First Real Mission: Part Two

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"They're here! Rin, (Y/N)! Go on ahead!" Kakashi ordered.

"You got it!" Rin said.

"Follow us!" I ordered the other shinobi, as I got behind them, preparing to protect them at all costs, as we crossed the bridge. I heard the sound of kunai's clinking together, making me worried. All of a sudden, a kunai went past me, stabbing one of the men in front of me. I watched in horror as he fell over the bridge.
I ran up, to try and catch him, but it was too late.

"Kakashi! We have to save him! Minato Sensei is still nearby! If we turn back and let him know-"

"We can't Rin! A shinobi's duty is to complete his mission." Kakashi said sternly.

"Kakashi!" Rin gasped out at him.

"We need to save him! That is the mission!" I yelled angrily at Kakashi.

"Run! Escaping is imperative!" He said looking back at us.
"We just have to get to the forest!" He yelled.
"Then the village will be too close, and they'll turn back." He said in a demanding tone.

"But Kakashi!" I growled out.

"I SAID RUN (Y/N)! NOW!" He demanded angrily, as I sighed.

"Come on (Y/N). We need to save them." Rin said, and I frowned.

"Let's go." I growled, as we ran across the bridge, Kakashi following closely behind me. We ran as fast as we could until we passed the forest. We took a break in the middle of the grass, to catch our breaths.

"We should be safe here." Kakashi said, standing up.

"And Obito?" Rin asked.

"Like I said to (Y/N), Sensei is with him, I'm sure they'll be fine." He said, and I groaned.

"You know who's not fine?!" I asked annoyed, before I stood up and walked up to Kakashi. I took my finger and jabbed it into his chest.

"That man, who YOU wanted to leave behind for the sake of this mission!!" I said angrily.

"It was our orders (Y/N)." He copped back annoyed, and I jabbed him in the chest again.

"Our orders Hatake," I spat out, before jabbing him again.
"Were to get ALL of these men HERE safely." I growled, as I continued to jab him.

"Stop! You know it's the rules. Our rules were to protect the missive." He growled at me, and I jabbed him again.

"And what if he has it!!" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Then his comrades would have said something!" He said annoyed, and I growled.

"Guys..." Rin said softly.

"You LEFT a MAN to float down the river. You LET a MAN potentially DIE because YOU weren't MAN ENOUGH to break the stupid rules, to SAVE an INNOCENT life." I said jabbing him over and over again. He grabbed my hand harshly, holding it in place.

"Guys... Come on." Rin said.

If looks could kill, we'd both be dead by each other.

"I SAID STOP! DAMMIT DON'T YOU EVER LISTEN?!" Kakashi yelled at me and I growled.

"Guys!! You both need to think this-"

"NOT NOW RIN!" Kakashi and I yelled in unison, making our friend, look down nervously.

"I'm not ordered to listen to anyone who isn't Minato Sensei. And I'm definitely not ordered around by scum like you." I said calmly, with a hint of anger to my voice, as I started to shake.

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