Arrival of the Dwarfs

Start from the beginning

"The chimney's smoking," said the fat one.

"Something's in there," said the sixth dwarf.

"Maybe a ghost," said the fat one.

"Or a goblin," said the fifth.

"A demon," said the one with the glasses.

"Or a dragon," said the sixth.

The animals listened to their conversations.

"They think monsters invaded their home," Maggie said.

Then the second one began to speak. "Mark my words. There's trouble a-brewin'. Felt it coming all day. My corns hurt," he said while pointing at his shoes.

"That one looks like he's in a bad mood. Better watch out for him," Buck whispered.

"Gosh!" said the fat one.

"That's a bad sign," said the fifth.

"What'll we do?" asked the fourth, the fifth, and the one with glasses.

"Let's sneak up on it," said the fat one.

The one with the glasses cleared his throat. "Yes. We'll, uh, squeak up... Uh, sneak up. Come on, hen...uh, men. Follow me." And they slowly sneaked towards the cottage.

"Looks like that one stammers a lot," Maggie giggled. "Okay, everyone. Let's follow them, because Snow White and Grace are still inside."

And they all walked slowly towards another bush to watch the dwarfs' actions. When the dwarfs approached the house, they looked inside. The one with the glasses, who was probably the leader, motioned them to follow him. "Psst." he said. He slowly opened the creaking door and each of them popped their heads out of the opening. The last dwarf appeared out of one of the beards. The leader opened the door a little more and they all entered while their shoes squeaked. While they walked in, one of them accidentally stepped on the head of the last dwarf. The cows, forest animals, horse, and rabbit were silently walking towards the window to see better. The dwarfs all raised their pickaxes above their heads, prepared for anything. The last dwarf slammed the door behind him very hard. It was so loud that the dwarfs immediately reacted. They ran around and raised their weapons above their heads again. When they saw who closed the door, they motioned him to be quiet. The silly dwarf shivered a little while he turned his attention to the door and said, "Shh."

"That one doesn't look very smart, does he?" Lucky Jack said.

"Pst. Hey, guys," Buck whispered. "Me and Maggie are going upstairs to get a better look."

"Buck, wait!" Mrs. Calloway whispered, but Buck and Maggie ran inside the cottage. Then they went upstairs faster than the wind.

The dwarfs could hear the noise. "Did you hear something?" said one of them.

The animals ducked their heads.

"It was probably the wind," the fourth said.

"Careful, men. Search every cook and nanny... Uh, hook and granny... Crooked fan..." the leader stuttered until he gave up and said the next thing. "Search everywhere."

The dwarfs sneaked everywhere inside the cottage while their shoes squeaked. None of them knew that Buck, Maggie, and the bird family were watching them from above while Mrs. Calloway, Lucky Jack, and forest animals watched from the window. They even had to hide when the dwarfs came too close to the window.

"Should we talk to them?" Lucky Jack asked.

"No, Jack," Mrs. Calloway whispered. "They have pickaxes for Pete's sake."

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