Chapter 21

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"How are you feeling sweetie?" Rose asks the teen worriedly as Bonnie performed a tracking spells downstairs so that they could hunt down Jane-Anne Deveraux.

So far the witch wasn't coming up with anything and Klaus had gotten his best trackers to try and find the witch but none could come up with anything.

"I feel a little faint" Davina admits. Rose's eyes land on Davina's arm and her heart breaks at the sight of the mark there. "Rose what's wrong with me?" She asks her mentor.


"You're not a good liar" Davina tells her.

"I promised you that I'd take care of it and I'll do just that" Rose says to her, "so don't you worry about a thing."

~Fall on me~

"How could you?!" Sophie asks her sister angrily. "We agreed that we'd work toward finding a way to bring Monique back but we didn't agree to hex a child! A child, Jane-Anne! You've hexed a child to death!" She adds as Jane-Anne frowns at this. "How would you feel if it were Monique and the same thing was done to her?!"

"But it can't be Monique now can it?!" Jane-Anne shouts back. "Because she's dead!" She adds.

"Rose Mikaelson was helping us! We were going to bring her back!"

"And while you did that I have to live with knowing that my daughter is dead!" Jane-Anne retorts, "I have to wake up every day with a broken heart because I couldn't bring her back..."

"We were..."

"You're not Monique's mother, Sophie!" Jane-Anne cuts her off harshly. "You aren't the one who has struggled with crying yourself to sleep every night because you've failed her!" She adds as Sophie snaps her mouth shut. "I believe in the Harvest Ritual" she adds, "if Davina Claire dies then Monique will come back."


"NO!" Jane-Anne cuts her off, "you're either with me or you're not."

~Fall on me~

The witches of New Orleans hadn't been ready to give up Jane-Anne Deveraux due to some misplaced oath of 'protecting one another' but after Klaus promised blood, guts and gore they managed to 'finally' locate her (more because her sister gave her up than anything else).

Marcel had been just about ready to rip Jane-Anne's head off when they got the call that she had been found.

Rose makes her way downstairs when she hears Jane-Anne screaming for Nik's vampires to release her as Sophie begged them not to hurt her sister.

"Rose" Maze says warily when she sees the look of pure fury on Rose's face, "Rose don't–" but the words are too late as Rose lifts her hand, levitating Jane-Anne from the ground as the witch gasps at the unexpected action and the unpleasant sensation of being levitated from the ground as Klaus' vampires back away from her because they understand well enough that Rose wasn't in her usual smiling mood right now.

"Rose..." Elijah says worriedly.

"I have tolerated everything that you and your circle of witches have thrown my way" Rose starts slowly, huffing slowly as she does, "but you've come after Davina, a child that I consider my own" she adds, "and in doing so you've made me your enemy" she adds as she chokes Jane-Anne midair, "I don't want to be this person" she adds, "for my children. For my family. I try to be a better person but you have pushed me over the edge" she adds as Sophie begs for Bonnie to get Rose to stop choking her sister.

Jane-Anne's face goes red and her eyes look like they might pop out of her head at any second.

"Rose, please!" She begs her.

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