Chapter 3

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"Rough night?" Rose smugly asks Rebekah and Maze at breakfast that morning, with Rebekah looking like a zombie while Maze didn't look bothered in the least.

Rebekah groans at this before slumping into her seat as Maze sits beside Lucifer as one of the compelled maids carries a tray with their warmed blood in cups for all the Mikaelsons and coffee for Rose.

"Blondie thought she could compete with me" Maze says in explanation and Rose and Lucifer laugh at this.

"Judging from how crappy Bekah looks I'm going to go with, bad choice?" Kol comments in evident amusement, taking a sip of his blood.

"Sod off Kol" his sister says, also taking a sip from her blood.

"Just how much can you drink, demon?" Klaus asks Maze curiously.

"Believe me hybrid, you don't want to know" she adds with her smug smile. "It was a cute attempt though, blondie" she compliments Rebekah mockingly.

"I thought I told you to stop calling me that" Rebekah glares.

"If you think I listen when I'm told to stop doing something then clearly you have a long way to go in getting to know me" Maze says to her. 

"That's true" Lucifer and Rose comment in sync as Rose makes a 'she has a point there' face.

~Fall on me~

"Come along then Maze, we have quite a long way to go if we want to get back to L.A" Lucifer tells her as he pockets his phone away after receiving a phone-call that he is needed back in L.A.

"Actually I think I'm going to stay here for a little longer" Maze says to him, "check out New Orleans for a little longer. Maybe even party it up" she adds as Lucifer cracks a smile at her words.

"Lux won't be the same without you" he says to her, knowing that he can't force her to go back. She'd kick his ass from here to Mars if he tried.

"I think right now I'm exactly where I wanna be" Maze tells him, "besides, L

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"I think right now I'm exactly where I wanna be" Maze tells him, "besides, L.A was starting to grow boring for a while" she adds as he gives her a fond smile.

Trust Maze to be as brutally honest as possible.

~Fall on me~

"Maze, I need you to do me a small favour" Rose says to her as she walks into the room where Maze would be staying.

"Shoot" the demon says as she plops onto her bed with a casual air.

"Marcel" Rose reveals, "I need you to find out as much as possible about what he knows about us, our location, our numbers..."

"Oh that should be easy" Maze says simply, "he's hosting his 'Music Night' tonight of which your hubby is the main guest so it should be even easier for me to do a little recon" she adds. Rose doesn't even want to ask how Maze found out that Marcel is going to have Klaus as his guest at his party tonight. "Flirt with a few of his guys here and there and boom! We have all the information we need" she adds with a smug smile.

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