Chapter 12

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A.N: Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the chapters so far, please give me feedback so I know where to improve😊 P.S: I changed a lot of details about the Vampire Diaries timeline, e.g. Klaus having met Hayley before Rose arrived, even though they only met in 4x16 in the original TVD timeline. 

"You lot are worse than a bunch of bunnies" Rebekah groans as she drinks her blood with disheveled hair at breakfast the next morning. "Soundproofing your room didn't help" she adds as Bonnie chokes on her toast.

Rose glares at her for speaking about that topic with Davina there and the teen tries to pretend that she didn't hear those words as she drinks her juice as Kol laughs but closes his mouth when Bonnie elbows him hard in the ribs.

"What did I do?" He asks her with faux innocence.

It felt good to her that he was back to being the Kol she knows and loves. She was really worried about him.

As much as she hates to admit it venting out his frustrations seemed to do the trick for now but she is still going to watch him closely.

"We'll work on getting a better soundproof spell" Klaus retorts dryly as Rose turns to face him with a 'really?' expression.

Davina seems to find her cereal very interesting as she stares at it shyly.

"So Davina how is school going?" Bonnie asks her, changing the topic of conversation.

"It's - It's okay" the shy teen comments, tucking some of her hair behind her hair. "Rose you still remember that thing I spoke to you about, right?" She asks, lifting her eyes from her cereal to face her mentor shyly.

"Of course, sweetie" Rose nods. Davina had a parent's meeting and she asked Rose to attend on her behalf. 

~Fall on me~

"Word around is that you're also a married man" Jackson says to Klaus, "the wolves would like to meet your wife" he adds.

"Absolutely not" Klaus shuts the idea down immediately. "She doesn't join any of our meetings or anything else" he adds.

"Yeah well she's sort of become like a hero in New Orleans" Jackson reveals to him. "The whole of the supernatural community is abuzz about the wife of the Original Hybrid. The woman that stopped the war they're calling her" he reveals as he walks alongside Klaus as the hybrid muses over his words.

A part of him is proud of his strong, determined wife but a greater part of him is worried because if she's become the interest of the supernatural community then who knows which of his enemies is waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

"I still don't see why this would require my wife coming here" Klaus tells the man, being protective of his Rose.

"She's a strong, powerful individual, carrying the baby of her hybrid husband. I doubt I have to spell out why they are so intrigued by her" he adds as they come to a halt in their walk. "We're having a celebration soon. To celebrate that our pack is human again. You should bring her" he suggests to Klaus.

Something tells him that the hybrid won't agree to the idea though. 

"I'll consider it" the hybrid says in response before flashing off.

Now that he's King of New Orleans there is a lot that needs to be done, including getting rid of the bond that the witches forcefully forged with his wife and unborn child.

~Fall on me~

"Rosie?" Rebekah asks worriedly when she sees her sister-in-law/best friend standing in front of her mirror. She had knocked but Rose hadn't responded so she rushed in to check if everything is okay with her. "Rosie?" She repeats worriedly and Rose hears her the second time as she turns to face her.

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