Chapter 18

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Rose walks into hers and Nik's room just as he's walking out of Riky's nursery.

He closes the door behind him softly, not wanting to wake the baby up.

Henrik could be particularly fussy and grumpy whenever he's woken up from his sleep and Maze had once called him 'a young but cute grumpy old man'.

Maze was always coming up with the most absurd nicknames for the baby and some were cute and some...not so much.

"Everything okay hon?" She asks him when he turns to face her. 

"Today was very tiring for him" Klaus says, "he's knocked out" he adds as he goes to fall onto their bed with a sigh.

"Do you want to talk about today or should we just pretend it didn't happen?" She asks him as she makes her way toward him.

"What do you mean, love?" He asks as he leans against their headboard, folding his arms behind his head as he closes his eyes as she joins him in their bed. He was trying to play oblivious but that's never been one of his weaknesses. 


"Rose" he replies in the same tone of voice. Oh yeah, something is definitely eating at him.

"Is it because I added the old Viking traditions?" She asks him worriedly, "Because if so then we can simply–" but she doesn't get to finish her sentence before he overturns them so that she's underneath him as he kisses her passionately.

"Kissing me won't distract me, Niklaus" she says with an eye roll when she looks up to meet his eyes. She's not some lovesick teenager. She knows when she's being distracted. "Let's talk about it, come on" she says as he sighs as he climbs off her as she sits up, "What's wrong?" She asks him seriously. 

"I was thinking" he admits


"The past?"

"Nik, you're over a thousand years old, I'm going to need you to be a little bit more specific" she adds as she presses her thumb and forefinger together when she says little.

Klaus offers her a small smile in response.

"A thousand years into the past" he confesses with a sigh as he runs his hands through his hair as an act of frustration as Rose sighs at this.

"It was the log and stuff, right" she deduces easily as he nods at this.

"It took me back" he admits to her in the vulnerable tone of voice that only she gets to hear as he falls onto his pillow with a sigh as she stares down at him with a heavy heart.

"I'm sorry" she says to him.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, love" he tells her as she rests her head atop his chest as he strokes her back tenderly. "I'm the one who should apologise for being so withdrawn today" he adds, "it's just when you brought out that Yule log I was instantly transported to Mystic Falls a thousand years ago and..." He trails off with a sigh

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it" Rose tells him. No one is forcing him to open up. He can do that when he's ready.

"I was thinking about my family" Klaus admits to her after a few minutes of silence, "and how different everything was for us back then" he adds.


"I want to tell you Rose" he says as she lifts her head from his chest to face him as he continues to run his fingers down her back. "I want to" he adds when he sees her searching his eyes for truth.

"Then tell me" she adds as she goes back to resting her head on his chest, snuggling up to him as she inhales his scent. She loves his scent. It's just the scent that she's come to associate with him and no one else.

Us Against The World [2] Klaus Mikaelson (BWWM)✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora