To leave or to stay?

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"Jarvis is there something wrong that you're not telling me?" Tony asks, standing outside of the elevator.

"No sir, just one moment." Jarvis responds.


Tony scoffs.


The elevator reaches Tony's floor and the doors open.


Tony looks into the elevator to see Clint and Gen' standing there.


"Tony." Clint nods, stepping off the elevator.


Gen' steps off a second after Clint.


"I thought Gen' left?" Tony asks, turning around to face the pair.


Clint and Gen' turn to face Tony.


"I was still packing Tony. I never left." Gen' corrects.


Clint's heart drops.


Tony nods.


"I still have to debrief with Steve anyway. You know he wouldn't let me do anything, before I accomplished that." Gen' rolls her eyes.


Tony nods with a smile.


"I should go find him." Gen' says, as she walks towards her room.


Clint nods as Gen' passes him.


"Hey Clint." Tony says, curiosity in his voice.

"Yes Tony?" Clint looks at the billionaire Playboy (philanthropist).

"Are the elevators leaking something?" Tony asks.

"Uh... I don't think so." Clint furrows his brow.

"Then why is your shoulder wet?" Tony asks.


Clint looks down at his shirt, he keeps a poker face before answering Tony.


"I spilled something on myself before getting on the elevator." Clint shrugs. "I should go change my shirt."

Ideas of Spangly Enhanced AssassinsWhere stories live. Discover now