We need to talk about-

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Genevieve exits her room, to gather her coat.


"Where are you going?" Steve asks, crossing his arms.

"Out Dad." Genevieve rolls her eyes.

"This soon after a mission?" Steve shakes his head.

"I'm not well-known, so I'll blend in." Genevieve shrugs, placing a hat over her blonde wig.


"We should talk about-"

"I'm not going to change, you old guys are going to continue to lecture, and everyone goes on about their business." Genevieve smiles.

"That's not what I meant." Steve sighs.

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Genevieve shrugs.


"Steve please, I'm not a child. Just leave me alone." Genevieve sighs, as she goes to the elevator.


Steve sighs heavily as he goes to Clint's room.


The elevator doors ding open.


Genevieve quickly gets inside, and she rapidly hits the door close button.


In a normal circumstance, Steve would've gone to Clint's room. He would've asked Clint to stop Genevieve.


Clint would then standing by the door. Where he'd keep Genevieve, from leaving the tower.


But this time things were different.


When the elevator doors opened.


Clint wasn't there, no one was there.


Genevieve is free to leave the tower.


So she does, Genevieve walks right out the front door. She doesn't think twice, about the danger she could be getting into.


That's exactly what Clint, tried to make her aware of.

Ideas of Spangly Enhanced AssassinsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora