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The enhanced woman throws, invisible shields at brutes 4 and 5. Pushing them away, and slamming them into the walls.


Brutes 6 and 7 try weaving between cars. To get to the enhanced woman.


Brut 7 get close to the end woman. As he reaches for his gun. He accidentally bumps a car, setting off the alarm.


The enhanced woman, turns towards the noise. She puts both her hands up sideways. Slowly lowering them together.


Brut 7 screams as he's, forced to the ground.


The screams continue, until the enhanced woman's hands. Are sandwiched together.


Brut 6 quickly unholsters his gun, shooting at the enhanced woman.


The enhanced woman, holds up a single hand. Causing an invisible shield, that blocks the bullets.


Brut 6 stares at the enhanced woman, sheepishly.


The enhanced woman, pushes the shield at brut 6. She crushes his body against the cement wall.


Brutes 8 and 9 are still struggling. To push, brut 1's body off of them.


Clint takes out brutes 8 and 9. By shooting them in the head.


Genevieve gets to her feet, but brut 3 yanks on her hair. Until she drops to her knees.


Genevieve's scalp is crying, from the pain. She is sure she must, be bleeding.


Clint grabs brut 3 by the chin, and back of his head. Effortlessly breaking his neck.


"Ah!" Genevieve says, getting her hair free.


Clint grabs Genevieve's arm, yanking her to her feet.


"You ever do that again-!"

"Clint!" Genevieve yells, pointing to brut 10 behind him.

Ideas of Spangly Enhanced AssassinsWhere stories live. Discover now