Do you even think?

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At the tower Savannah follows Steve for a debriefing, Clint can't stop thinking about everything he should've done as he walks to his room, and Genevieve-


"Clint would you help?" Genevieve asks, holding a shirt against her wound.

"Yeah." Clint nods, following Genevieve to her room.


Genevieve takes off her dress, allowing it to pool at her feet leaving her in her panties and bra, and she sits on her bed.


Clint grabs Genevieve's first aid kit from her closet.


Genevieve removes the shirt from her wound, her eyes stay trained on the floor, and Clint sits in front of her.


Clint prepares a fresh needle, he moistens a cotton ball with alcohol, and he lightly dabs Genevieve's wound.


Genevieve cringes from the light stinging.


"Did you even comprehend, what happened tonight?" Clint asks annoyed.

"That I could've blown things? Yeah, I'm aware." Genevieve sighs, completely annoyed with herself.


Clint shakes his head as he starts to stitch.


"Out with it Barton, before you explode." Genevieve says annoyed.

"Do you think, before you speak or-?"

"No, I just go for the bait. Hoping you'd kiss me, every time!" Genevieve answers sarcastically.


Clint narrows his eyes at Genevieve.


"I'm not happy about it either!" Genevieve tosses her hands. "But I was doing my job, unlike you!"

"I was trying to keep you from getting killed, because that's always your destination!" Clint snaps.

"Oh really? Do you honestly think that, or are you "tired of babysitting" me?" Genevieve asks angrily.

"Do you ever take into consideration the team, instead of yourself?" Clint asks. "Because if you did, I wouldn't have to babysit you!"

"I already know you're all sick of me. That's all the consideration I need, to ask Coulson for my resignation." Genevieve shakes her head.


Clint opens his mouth to argue. But he's at a loss for words. He never meant for his harsh actions. To lead to, Genevieve leaving the team.


"Are you finished?" Genevieve asks, looking down at her wound.


Clint ties a knot and then he cuts the thread.


"Here you can have your hoodies back." Genevieve goes to her closet.


Clint watches Genevieve as she hands him four sweatshirts she's kept of his, Clint takes the hoodies from her, and he clutches them tightly in his hand.


"You can leave now Barton, you're no longer required, and you don't have to babysit anymore." Genevieve says annoyed.


Clint puts his head down, he gets up from Genevieve's bed, and he walks out into the hall.


Neither assassin took into consideration. That Genevieve was only, in her bra and panties during that entire conversation. The pair are so comfortable together. That those little things, never distracted them. Or so they thought...


Clint stands in the hallway, he looks back at Genevieve through her open bedroom door, and the longer he stands there the more he finds himself eyeing her body.


Genevieve puts on a big t-shirt and sweatpants. She pulls out her suitcase, and she starts packing.


Clint takes his sweatshirts into his bedroom.


Genevieve and Clint have worked together for years. Their relationship was always professional, never once did they think it would be more than that. It would be crazy to think there was something there. Wouldn't it?

Ideas of Spangly Enhanced AssassinsWhere stories live. Discover now