Chapter 27: Kittens and Broken Glasses

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Hanji's POV

Today might be the best day of my life. I got up of my bed with Levi waking me up (which actually includes a series of yelling and pillows at my face), and him taking me to my work initiatively. He volunteered this morning to accompany me on my way to our building just because of the reason that 'I might arrive late'. Tho I really know that Levi did it because he is being protective especially with the happenings last night and it makes me so happy to see him like this. Who would have thought that this chibi can be this possessive? I always imagined that he would just care for his brooms and scrubs but it seemes like I have finally zipped past his cleaning obsession.

After last night, I think that Levi and I grew more attached with each other. I mean, I have always been crazily fond of him but I never thought that he could reciprocate that kind of feeling towards me too. As much as I hate seeing a close friend of mine get hurt, that still proved to me that Levi can be so jealous to the point that he can beat up a person. It scared me a little tho but seeing him like that also made me feel so overwhelmed. It was just a few months ago that Levi always wanted to push me away because of my messy personality but now, he wanted to claim me his thru his simple gestures. This is seriously making me fall for him even more and I hope that he is aware of that.

I didn't notice that time went fast for us two while we walk and we reached the company sooner than I wanted. Levi let go of my hand once we have stepped in front of it and deep inside, I let out an unsatisfied sigh. He looked at me with his usual blank expression while I tried to work my face muscles to give him a goofy smile. In all honesty, I just want to stuff him inside my bag right now and take him to work but since that is impossible despite his height, I still got to tell him goodbye.

I patted my boyfriend's head. "Thanks for going out of your way just to take me here" I said and he answered with a nod.

"I'll be fetching you later too" He told me and my eyes immediately sparkled. This is definitely a great day.

"Really?" I leaned towards him. He frowned at me, taking a step back but I just leaned closer to lessen the distance between us. "Really? Really? We're going home together again?" I asked feeling so excited for the end of my shift eventhough it hasn't started yet.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Yeah so get your ass inside that building already" He said, pushing my body away. I giggled like a kid. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Levi's face softened as his lips curled a little bit upward. Lately, he has been showing little of his smiles and it now makes me more happy than science. The Levi that I first met was so cold and distant but now, he has become a bit calmer and open, especially to me. Tho it seems like his usual frown will forever be in his face, atleast, I know that I am able to draw a different expression on him now.

My giggle and Levi's pushes stopped when someone walked past us. It was Moblit and it seems like the aftermath of Levi's anger on him has made a mark on his face. At the side of his cheek is a bandage just above a bit purplish flesh and his lips has a very noticeable cut at the side. He also didn't greeted nor looked at us when he went to the building which made my heart hurt for a second. Despite what he did, Moblit is still one of my closest friend and seeing him give me cold shoulders is actually affecting me a bit.

Levi immediately took hold of my arms when he saw Moblit making me look at him. He is throwing my colleague some glares and I am sure that he is cursing him right now inside his head. Before it got more severe, I decided to break the tension.

"Hey" I cut Levi's glare making him look at me with a frown. "You have to go to your class now"

My boyfriend rolled his eyes. "Can you take a day off today? It is seriously bothering me that a bastard is working with you" He said, following Moblit's figure with his eyes.

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