Chapter 9: Celebration

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Hanji's POV

For breakfast, Levi prepared a pancake and made use of my frozen chocolate syrup. Yup. Frozen cause I stocked it in my fridge for like months already. I am not entirely sure what kind of magic this chibi used to make it decent again cause trust me, I was about to dispose that. Levi really have a talent in turning something crappy to good, and my house is an example of that.

By the way, it has already been 3 weeks since Levi and I started sharing this apartment. And for that whole time we were together, I was gifted with a clean and pleasant apartment, warm and freshly cooked meals, and ironed clothes. Aside from that, I finally made a progress with the job that Erwin gave me, all thanks to my cold but gay roommate. I didn't know that Levi has a good eyes in objects and that he really knows a lot about interior designing. If he never told me that he was a former language professor, I would think of him otherwise.

As I took a bite off my pancake, my phone rang at my side. I looked at the caller's ID. It was Nanaba.

"What now?" I muttered while rolling my eyes. I am actually close to developing a trauma whenever I saw that it is Nanaba who is calling. Cause there is only 2 reasons why she do that; one, Mike and him got into a fight and she is seeking for me to kick his husband's ass, or two, she found another guy to pair up with me. And to my horror, it is most frequently the latter.

"Hanji!" I felt the excitement in Nanaba's voice as she said my name. Oh God. I have a bad feeling about this

"Yo! Good morning!" I greeted her before I took amother bite off my food. "Why did you call so early in the morning?"

"Well.. Mike and I have good news" she answered.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I asked. Nanaba didn't answer but I can hear her and Mike talking on the other line. "Uh? Hello?"

She laughed before she answered again. "Sorry Hanji. I got excited for a few moments"

"Just tell her already" I heard Mike say in the background.

"I am going to so please just shut up in there!" yelled Nanaba to her husband. She coughed after before conversing with me again. "So, as I said earlier, Mike and I have good news"


"We'll finally have a little one in this house!" she said with excitement. My eyes widened as a smile started creeping in my face.

"Oh damn really?!" I yelled which made Levi, who is eating in front of me, frown. I mouthed him 'sorry'

"Yes! That is why we are planning to celebrate this evening! Just some dinner and beer for our closest friends"

Beer made my eyes sparkle. Finally I could have a taste of that bitter, yeasty drink again. "I'll be there! Save a number of bottle for me alright?" I told Nanaba. She giggled before saying good bye and ending the call. I can't really imagine how much Nanaba's life and personality changed after she met Mike. I mean, she never made any girly sounds when we were back in High school. She was even more masculine than most of the boys. But eversince the two of them became together, Nanaba became more like a normal woman. And now that they will finally have a child, I bet that she'll undergo another transition.

"Who was that?" Levi asked, taking his and mine's empty plate.

"A close friend of mine. She and her husband will finally have a baby!" I answered with excitement. The news about the baby really made my mood rocket to good one.

"Hm?" Levi hummed. I frowned at his reaction. Seriously? How dull is this person?

"Anyway, don't prepare a dinner for me. I will go to my their house after work" I said, standing up the kitchen stool to grab my bag. I'll be going to work after all.

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