Chapter 10: Caught

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Nanaba's POV

"Uh.. Mike?" I looked at my husband who is currently cleaning the living room reluctantly. "What do you suggest we do with her"

If there is one thing that we regret today, it is that we let Hanji get drunk. Now she is on our carpeted floor, rolling and laughing for half an hour already. "Wanna see a Hanji sushi?" Hanji said laughing, accompanied with a couple of hiccups. I just shook my head in disapproval but this hardheaded woman fuckin' wrapped the carpet on herself and rolled until she reached the other end. Now she is stuck in the rolled carpet but the idiot is still laughing.

Mike went beside me. "I suggest we dump her off the river like that so we'll have one less problem"

I glared at my husband who just smirked. "I am serious Mike. I can't let her go to the guest room because your colleagues are in there and of course our room is out of the option. The couch..." I looked at our black leather couch where my drunk uncle is crashed "well... Its occupied"

A sigh escaped from my mouth. I looked at Hanji again and my eyebrows met when I saw what she is doing. The damn woman is now singing the national anthem with abnormally low voice while still rolled in the carpet!

Oh God. What am I gonna do with you?

Before I stress over where my crazy friend , a pair of arms embraced me from behind. Mike put his head at my shoulders as he sniffed the side of my neck.

"Stress is not good for you babe. Don't worry. We will bring Hanji to her apartment. As long as we put her in bed, I bet that she'll be alright" My husband said, snaking his hand to rest it above my stomach. "I can't believe that there really is a life growing inside you now. This is such a great gift. Thank you so much Nanaba"

I turned my head to his direction and kissed his cheek. "Thank you also for not giving up even when all hope was lost"

Maybe it was the hormones that caused it but in just a second, my eyes were brimming with water while I was held by my husband. He turned me around so we are facing each other. My eyes was focused only on his as he slowly close the gap between us. I always love how Mike direct his eyes only to me whenever he kiss me. The way he also holds me, it is so soft and gentle as if I may break any second. He really do want to protect me from everything, even including the slightest thing he might accidentally do which would possibly hurt me.

I closed my eyes, as Mike brush his nose over mine. I can already feel his breathing and smell the alcohol he drank with Hanji and the other guys earlier. But before our lips touched, a can of beer hit the back of Mike's head.

"What the?!" Mike angrily looked at the narrow eyed Hanji who just got loose from the carpet "why did you fuckin' throw that to me?!" He yelled at my drunk friend but Mike was taken back when she glared at him.

"Your lovey dovey shits disgust me" Hanji said in a serious tone. After that, she just suddenly crashed on the floor, sleeping like a log.

I looked at my husband and smiled. "I think that we should really bring her to her apartment now"

Mike laughed, shaking his head a bit before lifting my unconcious drunk bestfriend. 


"Hanji. Hey" I lightly slapped her cheeks, trying to wake her up. We are currently parked in front of her apartment and I have been doing my best to get any kind of response from her since we arrived. Mike and I can't enter the apartment after all because we don't have a key which only this unconcious friend of mine knows where it is placed.

After seeing that Hanji has no chance of waking up from her sleep, I looked at Mike with eyes asking for help. He sighed, lifting her up as we walked towards the door. "Never let your friend drink again Nanaba. She is a headache" Mike told me which made me slightly laugh. We reached the front door and I started picking the lock. Not to mention but I am actually good at things like these. Lock picking, password guessing, and account hacking is actually a hobby that I once engaged with when I was in high school. I stoppped tho after Mike and I started dating.

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