Ch. 34 Familial Blood

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[a/n]: this section may have a lot of typos. I wrote this while I was falling asleep. Hope it makes sense. Let me know in the comments about your feelings. I love you guys!!

The next day I woke early. Once awake I turned to Tyler waking him.

"What's wrong?" He yawned bringing a smile to my lips at his adorable tired expression.

"I'm going to see Blake and was wondering if you would like to come with me?" I asked him as he rubbed his eyes.

"Give me a minute and I'll go," he said as I kissed his cheek.

"Thank you," I said before going into the bathroom pulling on my usual black pants with a white tank top that I paired with a deep blue leather jacket. I fixed my wavy hair before I left the bathroom. I grabbed my redacted file, tucking it under my jacket before locating Tyler.

"Ready," Tyler said as I walked over to him. He draped his arm around my shoulders as we left the apartment.

"We are heading out for a bit. Shouldn't be more than an hour. Call my cell if anything comes up," I told the receptionist as we passed the front desk. Outside my black stilettos clicked on the sidewalk as we made our way to where Blake was. Once there Blake rushed me to one of his guys who would test my blood against the files I sent him.

"Ash, why are they taking your blood?" Tyler asked me as I sighed.

"To figure out who my father is. The files. Every single one that mentioned me redacted the parts about my father. The only thing I know is he was important to the hunters which could mean anything," I said softly. "They wanted my mother dead long before she was a vampire," I added softly looking down to fight off the tears of anger and sadness. Tyler's eyes filled with sympathy but I ignored his gaze and instead thought about who my father could be. The person who seemed most likely was Greg but I wasn't sure if he truly was my father. If he was I wanted nothing to do with him.

"How long until we have the results?" Tyler asked Blake who instead of answering looked at his friend drawing my blood.

"Two hours tops. I already have the other samples and there aren't many," the man said before getting up. I put a bandage on my arm looking up at Blake.

"Can I see Frank while I'm here?" I asked as Blake nodded. I walked down the hallway to his room knocking on the door. The door opened moments later as Frank's eyes lit up.

"Ashley," He said stepping aside to let me in. I held the file in my hands before I passed the file to him. He gripped the packet his eyes breezing through the file before his eyes stared into mine. "They certainly gave a damn about you. I wish I knew why."

"So do I. Greg gave me temporary control over the hunters so I did some digging. I needed to know my past but even my file has secrets," I said softly. "I do know my mother was human when Greg ordered that she be killed."

"Why would he do that? He loved her," Frank questioned with confusion on his face.

"I have no idea. I wish I knew," I said softly. "It might explain his weird overly nice attitude with me."

"So what brings you here other than filling me in?" He asked me as I sighed.

"We are testing my blood against all the samples I provided from the hunter mainframe," I said softly.

"Did they give you a time frame?" Frank asked as I nodded.

"A few hours at most," I said simply. "Now back to Greg. How would you like to reveal his lie?" I said deflecting not wanting to speak about my life at the moment. I wanted to forget so I wouldn't feel the anxiety that waiting brought.

"Greg has lavish parties as I am sure you've seen so we could have me appear there. The other option is have me appear at my own funeral," Frank said as I pondered his ideas.

"I think we should out him today," I said firmly as I thought about my blood test results looming. I could use both once the results are in. Between Greg's lie and my redacted file the hunters were set to crumble.

"How?" He asked as I grinned.

"I'm in charge so I'll call a meeting. I'll mention it's about your attack and surely Greg will make an appearance so people don't think he was cold towards you," I said as Frank nodded in agreement.

"I think this may just work," Frank muttered as I smirked.

"Well obviously. I'm the one planning things," I said sarcasm hanging on every word.

"Ashley," Tyler said entering the room. He paused to glance at Frank before speaking. "Sorry to interrupt but Blake needs you in the make shift lab." I frowned glancing at Frank.

"Would you like to come?" I asked but he shook his head. I walked out of the room without another word. I made my way to the lab quickly. Blake was waiting for me beside the man who took my blood earlier. "You asked for me?" I said when he didn't speak right away.

"We have three possible matches so it will take more time to figure out who your father is," Blake said as I nodded with frustration gleaming in my blue eyes.

"Who are they?" I asked slowly avoiding all eye contact with them. I was too worried to care about manners.

"Well there is the Gyle family and the Marks' bloodline. Both families showed a close tie to you on basic genetics," the guy said as I took in his comment. He had narrowed down my family which was good. I stared at Greg's photo. He looked the most like me. I didn't want Greg to be my father but again I had no power. I knew how cruel Blake was, I could only imagine the problem that would cause.

"So you have no idea who my father is?" I stated.

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