I Don't Need Your Love (BAL/HAL)

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NOtp contest entry

Set sometime after D2

~Mal's POV~

"I'm not an Auradon girl, Ben!" I shouted. "I thought we've already been over this!"

"And we've already cleared up that when I'm working, I can't have you barging in every single time!" Ben yelled back.

"But you've been stuck in here for days!" I protested. "You seriously need a break."

"I don't, Mal," he said dead-serious. "There are things I have to do."

"Why can't you even spare any time for me?" I asked.

"'Cause you're not the only person I care about!"

"You need to get out of here," I walked towards him and grabbed his hand.

He pulled away. "I still have more to work,"

"Your health is more important then your work," I insisted. "When was the last time you slept? Or ate?"

"I... don't know," he admitted.

"See what I mean?" I asked. "You're taking the rest of the day off."

"I can't."

"Yes you can."

I could see frustration growing on Ben's face. "I don't want to."

"Why not?"

"Cause I don't have to. And you can't make me."

"Watch me," I challenged, grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the door. I was stronger then him, so I managed to get him within a few feet of the doorway.

He broke free again. "Fine. You win."

I smirked and opened the door. "Let's go then."

"Could you just let me finish one more thing?" he pleaded.

"Fine..." I relented. "Then you're relaxing the rest of the day."

"Alright," he agreed.

I leaned up to press a tiny kiss to his lips, but he put a finger to my lips and went back to his desk.

I let out a low whine. Ben looked up for a second. "You can wait outside. I'll be right there."

I nodded and left the room. As soon as I stepped out, the door slammed shut behind me.

I instantly whirled around and tried the knob, but it wouldn't budge. "Ben!"

"I'm sorry Mal," his voice came from the other side. "I just can't take time off, not today."

"You're impossible!" I shouted.

"As much as you are stubborn," he retorted. "I did what I had to do."

I was about to yell back, but my voice wouldn't work. Tears came to my eyes as I walked away from his office.

The castle halls were empty, thank Hades. No one could see my tear-streaked face as I hurried out and ran to my favorite place in Auradon: the Enchanted Lake.

I laid down on my stomach on the hard stone floor, my right hand trailing in the cool magic waters. Things were silent and peaceful for a long while, and the tears eventually left my face.

The sun started to disappear behind the horizon. I stood up to leave.

A voice with a Scottish accent behind me spike up. "Well, well, well. What do I have here?"

"Harry." I said, turning around.

"You bet," he caressed my cheek with his hook, like he always did.

I slapped his arm. "Hands off. I'm taken."

"Oh baby," he cooed. "You're not happy with that no-good King."

"Yes I a-" I cut myself off. Was I really happy with Ben? I mean, the whole reason I was here, crying a few hours earlier, was because of him.

"Admit it," Harry took a step closer. "You're not."

He was getting too close for my liking. I squirmed subtly. I'd never felt this uncomfortable around Ben.

I backed up. Then I was pushed against a pillar.

"H-Harry," I stammered. "What are you doing?"

"What I want to do," he responded.

"Stop," I commanded.

"No," he said.

His lips crashed against mine. I screamed as loud as I could (which wasn't very loud), while trying to fight him off.

Nothing helped. I was helpless.

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