Dude 2.0 (JARLOS)

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This was on my Requests chapter

Set after Jane and Carlos are married. Jane works from home while Carlos is on King Ben's council.
~Third Person~

Jane leaned back in her office chair and looked at the time. 5:45 pm

Carlos was supposed to be home from work more then an hour ago. He'd never been this late before.

Her phone buzzed on her desk in front of her.

Carlos 🐶: Hey baby. The traffic's especially bad today. I'll be home in fifteen minutes, top. You can go ahead and get dinner ready if you want. 😘

Jane smiled and texted back.

Jane 💕: of course baby. See you soon 😘

Jane set her phone down and went downstairs to the kitchen. It was Tuesday, so of course she made tacos.

AN: I mean, duhhhhh

About ten minutes later she heard a car pull up and the door unlock. Carlos stepped into their home.

"Lemme guess. Tacos?" he asked with a big adorable grin on his face.

Jane giggled. "You bet. It's Tuesday!"

Carlos laughed and gave her a tiny kiss on the cheek. "Looks amazing, baby."

They sat down and started eating, but Jane couldn't help but notice that Carlos seemed a bit jumpy, like he was expecting something to happen any second.

Jane wipes her mouth and turned to face him. "Baby? You seem off about something..."

"It's nothing," Carlos reassured her. "Just a work thing."

"Oh... okay," Jane took a sip of water just as the doorbell rang.

Carlos stood up to go answer it. He opened the door.

"Um... baby there's a package for you."

"I didn't order anything..." Jane came and stood next to him. In front of them was a big cardboard box with a few holes it it. Some heavy noises sounded from inside.

"Carlos?" Jane looked at her husband, who was very obviously trying not to give away anything on his face. "What is this?"

"Just open it baby," Carlos handed her a pair of scissors.

Jane very carefully cut open the box. Inside, nestled on a little dog bed, was the cutest little puppy she'd ever seen in her life.

 Inside, nestled on a little dog bed, was the cutest little puppy she'd ever seen in her life

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Jane gasped as she gingerly picked up the little pup. "Carlos?"

Carlos laughed. "I knew you'd always wanted a puppy, so-"

"He's so cute!" Jane cooed down at the dog in her arms.

Carlos wrapped an arm around her. "Not as cute as you right now, though."

She blushed. "What should we name him?"

"Dude 2-point-oh," Carlos suggested cheekily.

"No way," Jane said. "No one could ever replace Dude."

"How about Cinnamon?" Jane suggested.

"Why Cinnamon?"

"I don't know... he just reminds me of a cinnamon bun."

"Cinnamon it is, then," Carlos agreed.

Jane set Cinnamon down on the ground. He sniffed the floor and began exploring their house.

"He's too cute," Jane cooed as she watched the little pup.

"Yeah he is," Carlos said. "I'll get little Cinnamon his food and then we'll go back to eating?"

"Okay," Jane said. "But after, I'm just watching this little one."

"I'm joining."

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