Alone (HUMA)

778 22 12

Requested by GeekimusPrime2

Set during/after D2

~Third Person~

The barrier was closing. The VKs, Ben, and Lonnie were escaping in the limo.

"Harry, you're in charge of the ship til I get back," Uma said, a fire blazing in her eyes. They'd just lost in the fighting on the docks.

"Uma, where are you going?" Gil asked.

"I'm going to jump through the barrier," Uma said.

"You can't just go by yourself," Harry protested.

"Yes I can," Uma insisted. "I'll be back soon. And by the time I get back, Auradon will be mine- I mean, ours!"

A loud cheer went up from the crew gathered in Ursula's Fish and Chips Shop. Uma smirked, grabbed her cutlass, and walked out.

Harry watched her go. Then he turned to Gil.

"Gil, you're in charge of the ship till I get back." he said.

"Wait what-" Gil started, but Harry was already out the door.

"Okay then..." Gil swallowed a few more egg yolks.

~Time skip to after D2~

Harry had managed to jump through the barrier. He'd seen the fight between Mal, the traitor, and Uma, his captain.

Uma disappeared under the sea while those wretched traitors and their Auradon friends partied up a storm on Cotillion.

It was almost midnight, and the son of Captain Hook was still sneaking around Auradon, looking for the daughter of Ursula. He waited until the shore was unoccupied, then went into the empty docks. It was a full moon out, and the only sound was the quiet lapping of waves against the shoreline.

He pulled out his spyglass and searched the horizon for any sign of her, but there was none.

Hours passed. He was almost dead from exhaustion from his faithful vigil.

Harry gave up, turning his back to the sea. He walked along the dock into the forest trail. He'd camp out for the night and continue his search tomorrow.

And there she was.

Uma stood there, her signature smirk plastered on her face. Her shell necklace still glowed golden against her throat in the darkness. She wasn't an octopus anymore.

"Um... hey" Harry said. "Where did you go?"

"Just around," Uma said. "I've been trying to find a hole in the barrier."

"And did you find one?" Harry got his hopes up.

"Not yet. But I will, mark my words," Uma promised.

"Okay... well what are you gonna do until then?"

"Search, duh," Uma rolled her eyes. "How'd you get out anyway?"

"Same way you did," Harry smirked. "I wasn't gonna key you out by yourself."

"I'm not a kid anymore," Uma grumbled. "I don't need you trailing me."

"Fine," Harry muttered.

"So you should be getting back to the Isle, right?"

"I guess."

Uma jumped back into the waters, disappearing with a golden glow.

That's all Harry remembered before appearing back on the Isle, with a note and newspaper in his hand.

The note read: read this. When the day comes I'll meet you right where you're standing now.


The newspaper was about the Core Four (Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos) coming back to the Isle to pick four more to come to Auradon.

Harry crumpled up the newspaper and threw it into a sewer.

He kept the note in his hand as he headed back to his crew at the ship.

One thought in his head:


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