What's My Name? (HUMA)

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Requested by Me_A_Pirate

Takes place before D1
~Third Person~

Uma walked home from the Fish and Chips Shop while the sun was setting. She looked up. "Maybe the cloudy weather all the time is what makes these people so grumpy."

She looked back down and continued on her way. No one would dare try to mug her. Aside from Mal and her gang, Uma ruled the Isle.

A block from her hideout, she picked up a stray paper on the wet ground, figuring it would be one of the insanely annoying King Beast and she could throw as many old but still sharp darts at it.

It didn't bear His Majesty's face on it. Instead, it was a flyer.

Captain Hook's Race
First and only prize: The Jolly Roger

Race this Tuesday at the Bay

Uma smirked and folded the paper carefully into her pocket. This could be her big break.

Skip to Monday

"Hey Hooky," Uma said as she came up behind her best friend.

"Wassup Uma?" Harry asked, casually throwing his hook up and down in the air.

"You know that race your dad's holding tomorrow?"


"Well, I'm gonna win, and get that ship."

"Good luck, but I'll actually win."

"Will not."

"Will too!"

"Will not!"

"I'll make you a deal," Harry pickpocketed a random student. "I win, you be my first mate. You win, I'll be yours."

"You're on, Hook."

He smirked and walked off to his next class, Uma just steps behind him.

Skip to Tuesday

"Harry. I'm skipping today." Uma said.

"Skipping... school?" Harry asked confusedly.

"Yeah. For the race, duh!"

"That's... after school," Harry said.

"Don't care. I don't want to go to school anyway."

"I feel ya... you know what? We'll spend the day together and then go to the race."

"Sounds fun. I'll be down in a second." Uma closed the old shutters on her window and grabbed her usual faded blue jacket and turquoise tasseled skirt with her short combat boots. She climbed out the window, because using the stairs is for losers.

She landed in the street right next to Harry. "Let's go."

He laughed. "You always know how to make an entrance."

"Of course I do," she flipped her long braided hair over her shoulder.

"Where to first, first mate?" he asked.

"Hey! I ain't your first mate!"

"First date if you're lucky," he mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear.

"Excuse me?" she asked, stunned.

"Nothing, Shrimpy."

She shoved his shoulder. "Don't call me that."

"I don't ... normally."

"And why isn't this normal?"

"'Cause I wanted you to be quiet."

"Be quiet" she ordered.

"Fine" he sulked.

Uma smirked. "On to wreak havoc!"

They spent the whole morning terrorizing the marketplace, flipping over carts, stealing food, and Harry punching random people whenever he felt like it.

The time came for the race, and it found Harry and Uma waiting impatiently by the docks. Captain Hook was already there, flag in hand, waiting for the other contenders, who soon came pouring in. The docks were overcrowded and aside from the racers there was a mob of onlookers. Uma spotted a certain purple-haired villain kid among the crowd.

Pre-race, Uma had constructed a raft out of old timber she'd found in the streets, and a paddle out of a board she had torn off a wall.

The flag was signaled to let the racers to their chosen boats. Uma got on her raft and picked up her paddle. The finish line lay a few hundred feet away.

She looked over to see Harry in an old bathtub with a soup ladle as a paddle.

"Oh, there is no way he is winning now," she muttered to herself triumphantly. "He'll make an excellent first mate."

"Go!" Captain Hook yelled.

Uma, Harry, and the other racers rushed out of the starting area. Several vessels capsized from colliding with others. Only about twenty made it out, which should speak volumes about the racers.

Uma was mostly unscathed, but Harry's bathtub was filling up with water.

"See ya!" she shouted as she passed him.

"What-" he spluttered. "This bathtub was foolproof!"

She laughed evilly and paddled towards the finish line. Along the way she knocked away several other racers, including Gil, son of Gaston.

"And the winner is... Uma!"

She boarded her new ship, Harry behind her.

"So," she smirked and turned back to him. "Welcome aboard, first mate."

"First date," he corrected.

She looked confused.

"You wanna go out sometime?" he asked smoothly.

"Um... sure."

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