Share A Fraction Of Your Time (BAL)

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Here's a long one for y'all

Mal was fed up with it. Ben had locked himself in his private study for almost two months now. He'd been skipping school, his seat in classes normally empty. She'd only been able to see him when he was rushing to and from meetings, papers in his arms. Even during those split seconds, she could see how tired he looked.

In the hallways, she'd tried to talk to him, but he always excused himself after only a few seconds. More then a few times he'd only give her a simple 'hi' or just a nod, sometimes nothing at all.

She missed him, no, she missed the old Ben. The Ben from before all his king duties took over him. That old Ben would always spend time with her, listen to her problems, teach her how to swim, and hold her tightly in his arms.

Mal was heading back from school in the afternoon that day. Ben suddenly ran past her. She grabbed his arm, stopping him and forcing him to look her in the eye.

"Ben," she said.

He shook his arm free. "I'm sorry Mal, I really can't talk now. I'm late to a council meeting."

"The council can wait," she insisted. "Ben, we haven't spent real time together in at least months now."

"Mal, you're not the only one I have to spend time on. There is a whole kingdom that needs its king."

"There's a girl right in front of you that needs her boyfriend back," Mal shot back.

"I can't-"

"Don't you remember what you said to me right after your coronation?!" Mal was near tears. "You promised that no matter what you'd find a way to be with me! No matter how much work you had, no matter how many meetings you had, no matter how much the kingdom needed you! Ben, you still have a personal life full of people who actually know you! It's not all about your work!"

His gaze darkened. "Then, Mal, I'm not the one you want to be with. Find someone who actually cares for you. I can't choose you over my kingdom. I won't. I'll choose my kingdom over you every time."

Every word that was said was a sharp dagger in Mal's already aching heart.

"You told me that you loved me!" Tears ran freely down Mal's face.

"Well, you spelled me! Mal, I'm done. I can't deal with you over everything I already have to do."

Her voice lowered, growing in silent rage and disbelief. "Then we're done, Ben. You go off and run your kingdom. Don't give me a single thought."

"Good," he glared at her. "I don't give a f***, Mal. I never did."

With that he angrily stormed away down the hall.

Mal stared after him, gradually realizing what she'd said to him, and what he had said back. She collapsed sobbing, not caring who saw her there.

The hall was empty anyway. No one would be coming down it for a while, probably.

After a few minutes crying her heart out, Mal felt hands on her shoulders.

"M?" Evie's concerned voice cut through her heartbreak like only her best friend's could. "What happened?"

Mal couldn't find her voice. Evie took her back to their shared dorms, soothing her best friend gently the whole time.

After Mal had calmed down, Evie handed her a few more tissues and a bowl of strawberry ice cream.

"How do you always know what to do, E?" Mal laughed, taking a bite of her ice cream.

"Oh, I just know."

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